
28 Ekim 2018 Pazar


Paskalya zamanıydı. Yeşua havarileri ile bir koyun almaya gitmişti. Orada bir münakaşa başladı. Aslında herkes (Romalılar dahil)  onun kim olduğunu biliyorlardı. Onu tanıyorlardı. Elleri ile mucizevi şifalar veren bu adamı biliyor ve onu yok etmek istiyorlardı. Çünkü bu iyilik dağıtan adam kendi egemenlikleri için bir tehditti. Korku üzerine kurulu köle efendi ilişkisini sevgi üzerine kurulu bir kardeşlik ilişkisine çevirmek istiyordu ve bunu da sahip olduğu eşsiz şifa gücüyle ve aydınlık sözleriyle başarmak üzereydi. Derhal bir sebep bulunup ortadan kaldırılmalıydı.

Tutuklandı, göstermelik yargılamaları hakaret ve eziyet doluydu. Sonra Romalıların kırbaçlayarak yaptıkları saatler süren işkence. Dayanılır gibi değildi. Normal bir insan bedeni bu kadar kan kaybını kaldıramazdı. O dayandı.

Golgataya giden o eziyet yolunda haçını da kendine taşıttılar. Başına da dikenli bir daldan yapılmış bir taç takmışlardı. Neydi bu nefretin sebebi? Ne yapmıştı bu insan? Şifa dağıtmıştı. Birbirinizi sevin demişti. Ama hayır bunlar değildi elbet. Halk onu çok sevmişti. Onu kral yapmak istemişti. Gerçi O bunu "Benim krallığım yeryüzünde değil" diyerek red etmişti ama buna kim inanır. Kalpler kin ve fesatla örtülüydü.

Golgota da diğerleri gibi Onuda bileklerinden haça bağladılar ama hayır, bu yetmezdi. ilaveten köşeli dövme çivilerle avuç içlerinden haça çaktılar. Acı çeksin diye mi? Evet ama esasında onlar Onun ellerini tahrip etmek istediler. Çünkü o kutsal eller şifa dağıtıyordu. Ve Onu o kutsal ellerinden, avuç içlerinden bağlara ilaveten haça çaktılar. Esasen Yeşua' nın bedenini halatlarla haça (çarmıha) bağlı bilekleri taşıyordu. Avuçları değil.

O şifa veren kutsal eller tahrib edilmeliydi ama başaramadılar. Yeşua hala o ellerle ruhsal alemlerden şifa dağıtmaktadır. Bu yetki ona Tanrı tarafında verilmişti. Bunu tahrip etmek kimin haddine düşer! Eziyet etme istekleride gerçekleşmedi. Yeşua bunların hiçbirini hissetmedi. Tanrı buna izin verir mi sanıyorlardı! Elbette vermeyecekti ve vermedi.

Yeşua nihayet haç üzerindeyken  6. saatte komaya girdi ve bayıldı. Öldüğünü sanıp onu mağaraya koydular. Aslında Yeşua'nın ruhu bedeninden çıkmış ve tüm bunları astral alemden görüyordu. Ama yaşam kordonu kopmamış ölüm gerçekleşmemişti. Onu öldürmemişlerdi. Tanrı buna izin vermedi ve sonra Yüce Tanrı onu iyileştirdi ve mağaradan çıkardı.


Ne yaptıklarını bilmeyen bedbahtlar ise şöyle dediler: ''Paskalyaya Onuda kurban ettik.''

Alpaslan Kuzucan

21 Ekim 2018 Pazar


Praying means in Yeshua's teachings "pray for others" and to become real followers of him people must declare a merciless war on their vices, zealously cultivate positive qualities, and devote themselves to seeking God-the-Father with the purpose of cognizing Him and merging with Him. Let it be so!


“Sky and the Earth will roll up in your presence (i.e. they become small when you become large and merge with the Father), and whoever is Living from the Living One will not see death."


The Earth has trembled and the Heavens have wept because of a great crime that has been committed in the land of Israel. For they have tortured and there try to put to death the great and just Yeshua Messiah, in Whom dwelt the Soul of the love(universe), which was incarnated in a simple mortal in order to do good to men and to exterminate their evil thoughts. And in order to bring back people, degraded by their sins, to a life of peace, love, and joy and to recall to them the One and Indivisible Creator, Whose mercy is infinite and without bounds.

But human beings in Israel have ended the earthly existence of the Reflection of the Holy Spirit under the form of a man Who had saved (with His Teachings) hardened sinners and endured many sufferings.


"… What is your life? It is a vapor, which appears for a little time, and then disappears…” (James 4:14)
“Do not love this world, nor the things in this world. If anyone loves this world, the love of the Father is not in them, because all that is in this world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life… is of this world!” (1 John 2:15-16)
“The world does not know us, because it did not know Him!” (1 John 3:1)
“… If the root is holy, so are the branches!” (Rom 11:16)
“… We look not at what is seen, but at what is not seen, for what is seen is temporary, but what is not seen is eternal!” (2 Cor 4:18)
“… We know that if our earthly house, this tabernacle (body) dissolves, we have a building from God, an eternal house in Heaven. For indeed in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our Heavenly dwelling-place, for we… wish… that the mortal might be swallowed up by the (True) Life. And God formed us for this very purpose…
“Then being always confident, knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are away… from the God, for we walk by faith, not by sight, then we are confident and we are pleased rather to go away (forever)… out of the body, and to come home to the God.
“Therefore we are also laboring to be well-pleasing to Him, whether at home or away from home…, so that everyone may receive according to what he or she has done while living in the body…” (2 Cor 5:1-10)
“… Be imitators of God!…” (Eph 5:1)
“… Walk… redeeming the time!…” (Eph 5:15-16)
“… He would grant you… to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, and Messiah may dwell in your hearts…, (so) that you, being rooted (in the Father) and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend… what is the (true) breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the Love of Messiah, which surpasses the understanding (of an ordinary person), that you might be filled with all the fullness of God!” (Eph 3:16-19)
“… You are all the sons of light and the sons of the day…” (1 Thes 5:5)
“… Anyone who is united with the God is One Spirit with Him!” (1 Cor 6:17)
“… When… we shall be like Him… we shall see Him as He is!” (1 John 3:2)


“The Kingdom of God is within you!” (Luke 17:21)
“Truly I say to you, whoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child (that is openly, with sincere joy) shall in no way enter into it!” (Luke 18:17)

“… The Kingdom of Heaven is taken by effort!” (Matt 11:12)

“… Those who have found themselves (there), of them the world is not worthy!” (The Gospel of Thomas, 111)

19 Ekim 2018 Cuma


Kehanet, gelecekten haber vermek kendinizi Tanrıdan üstün görmektir. Tanrı kendisine ait işlere karışılmasından rahatsız olur.


16 Ekim 2018 Salı



Yeshua was a healer but all organized religions including Arabs were not healers. Yeshua was love but others are of death cult.

Yeshua told us that in the afterlife there is no gender but others offer teenage virgins for men and only their worldly husbands for women.

Yeshua told us about becoming a Holy Spirit and a second birth, living with God as His soldiers forever but others want a place for orgy and debauchery forever.

Yeshua wanted to set you free and others wanted to make everybody a slave of their ambitions especially women.

Yeshua told us that we would know them by their fruits and, that the good trees don't give bad fruits.

So, let those who have brains think. You are permitted to change your fates. So, change your coarse feelings  for love and kindness and gain the eternal life with God.

So let's be perfect as our Father is perfect in Heaven...


14 Ekim 2018 Pazar


We have to try to become “perfect as (our) Heavenly Father is perfect” and merge into Him as soon as possible: He calls us into His Embrace, to the supreme bliss of being in Him, in Mergence with Him.

In the year 553, the leaders of the Christian communities established by that time gathered for a “council” and decided “by a majority” to exclude from the Teachings of Yeshua that part where the meaning of existence of humans and other living beings on the Earth was explained from the evolutionary standpoint. Thus the Teachings were deprived of their integrity and completeness. After that, people unable to find answers to many naturally arising questions began to fantasize. For example, they decided that the cause of our suffering on the Earth is the sins inherited from Adam and Eve, and therefore we are absolutely hopeless sinners, no efforts on self-perfection can help or are necessary, for it can only seduce us into the sin of pride…

But such beliefs cannot save anyone from hell, since they are directly opposite to the Teachings of Yeshua Messiah. He taught that people have to make efforts on perfecting themselves. He said: “… The Kingdom of God is being preached (by Me), and everyone is making efforts to enter into it”. He also never called us back to paganism.


Blessed are you who have known temptations and flee from them! Blessed are you who are reviled and not esteemed on account of the love your God  has for you! Blessed are you who weep and are oppressed by those without hope (for salvation), for you will be released from every bondage! Watch and pray that you do not come to be in the flesh (again), but rather that you come forth from the bondage of bitterness of this (earthly) life. … (And) when you come forth from the sufferings and passions of the body, you will receive rest…, and you will reign with the King, you joined with Him and He with you, from now on, for ever and ever!


He is God and Father of everything, the invisible One Who is above everything, Who is indestructible, Who is Pure Light, Whom no eye* can see.

God is the invisible Spirit. It is not right to think of Him as you think of gods, or something similar. … Everything exists in Him.

God is illimitable, since there was nothing prior to Him to limit Him. … He is immeasurable, since there was no one prior to Him to measure Him. … He is eternal. … He exists eternally. … There is no way to tell His quantity… He is not contained in time…

God is life-giving Life. He is blessedness-giving blessed One. He is wisdom-giving Wisdom. He is salvation-giving and love-giving Love.

God is motionless, He resides in calm and silence. He directs His desires into His Flow of Light. He is the Source of this Flow of Light.


God possesses perfect Love, perfect Wisdom, perfect Power. He cannot overlook something, miss something. He has no enemies who are capable of struggling effectively against Him. Fairy tales about His battles with the devil are nothing but fairy tales, as for the people who take them seriously — … this characterizes their intellectual level…


Our feelings prior to death are very important. While being in material bodies, we can change at will our habits of living in particular emotional states with the help of the methods of psychical self-regulation and various meditative techniques. We can also receive help from other people — in order to become as good as possible. But once the body has died, it is impossible to change one’s status. And no one will be able to help. Yeshua Messiah did not take sinners out of hell, prayers of saints or of anyone else cannot do it either. One can change one’s own destiny only by oneself when living in the material body.


Bizler Tanrıdan gelmedik. Biz Tanrıylayız. Ruhlarımızı en saf şekilde Ondan aldık ve yine en saf haliyle Ona teslim etmeliyiz. Ruh Tanrının nefesidir ve bir sonraki nefeslerimiz Onun lütfu ile olur. Nefes enerjidir. O halde dünyasal yaşamımız her an bitecek gibi ruhlarımızı aldığımız en saf haliyle muhafaza edelim.


13 Ekim 2018 Cumartesi


Düşük bilinçli bencil insanlar ruhsal yönü kuvvetli insanlardaki huzurlu ve mutlu tavra özenir ama bencillikleri buna izin vermez. Bu sebeble hasetlenir ve ruhsal insanlara iftira atar, huzursuz etmek ve zarar vermek için her tür kötülüğü yaparlar. Ruhsal insanlar bunlarla mücadele etmek zorundadır. Esasen bilgeliğin anahtarı da bu mücadelededir.


Question: Did you whip those people selling votive offerings at the temple?

Yeshua: No, but I whiped them by my eye shots and attitude towards them. No real whipping. No.

12 Ekim 2018 Cuma



Devamlı lanetleyen, düşmanlık besleyen, hoş görüsüz ve kindar insanlar kimlerdir? Bu tip kötü duyguları kalplerinde devamlı taşıyanlar ne tür insanlardır? Kendileri gibi olmayanları katletmek için her tür kötülüğü mubah sayanlar nasıl insanlardır? Yaratıcının adını kötülüklerine bahane yapan insanlar gerçekten insan mıdır?

İnsanların 2/3 ü malesef böyledir. Bunlar kendilerine az verildiği yada kendilerince doğru oranda verilmediğine inandiklarında kendilerine karşılıksız yardım edenleri dahi öldürmeye hazırdırlar. Doğada bulunduklarında, deniz kenarı olsun, orman yada herhangi bir piknik yeri olsun bunlar doğanın güzelliğini ve sukunetini huzur içinde takdir edecekleri yerde mangal yakarlar, müzik açarlar ve çığlıklarla bağıra bağıra deli danalar gibi itişip kakişırlar, içerler, yerler, çöplerini etrafa saçarlar, çevreye ve diğer canlılara zarar verirler ve bazende birbirlerinin kafasını gözünü yararlar. Huzur bozucudurlar.

Bu tip guruh ki malesef toplumumuzda çok fazla sayıdalar özel yaşamlarında ve çalışma hayatlarında birbirleri ile zıtlaşır, birbirlerine yalan söyler, birbirlerinden çalar ve bununla ilgili tek endişeleride yakalanmak, yaptıklarının ortaya çıkması ihtimalidir.

Şehvetlerini tatmin için başkalarının hayatlarını tahrip ve hatta yok etmekten çekinmezler. Bilhassa erkekler tatmin için yakalanma endişesi dışında tecavüz ve darptan çekinmezler.

Bu tipler size kimleri anımsatıyor? Esasen bu tip düşük bilinç seviyeli insanlara din yada idealler pek fazla açıklanmamalıdır. Çünkü bunların derin anlamlarına vakıf olamayacakları için konuyu ya çocukça saçmalıklara çevirirler ve sonuçta aklı yetersizlikler sonucu oluşan olumsuz şizofrenik davranışlar bir yangın gibi hepsini sarabilir, yada tamamen inkar ederler. Bunlara sadece birbirlerine ve tüm dogaya sevgi, saygı ve iyilikten bahsedilmelidir.


In the book Genesis of the Old Testament, there is a statement that God created man in His likeness and image. Some people, who believe that man is a body, concluded from it that God-the-Father has the appearance of a human body. And they began to picture Him in the form of an old man sitting on a cloud.

But man is not a body, man is a consciousness (a soul), a self-aware unit of conscious energy dwelling temporarily in a body or outside it. And God, too, is a Consciousness (Spirit).

An ordinary person represents a small consciousness. But God is the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness of the whole universe.

And the task of every one of us is to attain qualitative Godlikeness and sufficient growth of the amount of the consciousness, and then to flow into that Ocean and become one with It.


I asked Yeshua: Have you ever been to India or Anatholia while you were on Earth in a physical body?

Yeshua answered: No, but, as a HOLY SPIRIT I am everywhere.

...The articles regarding YESHUA'S travels to different countries as a master are fake.


And let us remember: “Where your treasure is — there your heart will be also!”.

If we choose the Creator as our Treasure and aspire to cognition of Him and Mergence with Him in the Embrace of His Love — then we may find our Abode in Him.

But if our treasure is something earthly — then we will remain with this earthly.

And some people choose hellish entertainments as their treasure…

But God suggests: “Love your God with all your heart!”.

And it is up to us to choose our way: the Creator granted to us the freedom of will. He watches every one of us and forms our destinies, which are then realized by the Holy Spirits.

“Lord, have mercy on us! Lord, have mercy on us! Lord, have mercy on us!” and “Give us, Lord! Give!...”. Incarnate people suffer from such tediousness. People who live like this separate themselves from God and move away from Him by their own attitude and acts and, therefore, should not expect to receive His Gifts! One must transform himself/herself into love first.


The holy people who have advanced in their development above the ego — what is their attitude towards the beauty of art? They, having evaluated it, affirm: yes, it is wonderful, I am glad for people who possess such qualities, who understand them, contemplate them. But the one who knows Living God, who aspires to communication with Him, is not tempted to enjoy contemplating this beauty for a long time, because such a person has cognized that which is superior to it. “Those who have come out of the world cannot be seized... Now they are above passion… and fear.” 


Who are these people living constantly in the emotions of condemnation, hostile and intolerant to everything unusual to them?

If they believe that they are given too little or that they are not helped in the “right” way, then they are ready to kill those who self-sacrificially help them. When they happen to be in nature (went for an outing or picnic in the forest, for example), they cannot enjoy its beauty and calm, but can only drink, yell, defile, kill living beings. In their private life and in work, they conflict with each other, lie, steal without being aware that they are committing a crime: they worry only about the possibility of being caught. When they develop a sexual passion (lust), it may become so wild, especially in men, that they are ready to kill for the sake of satisfying themselves. Have you recognized them?


Although there are many animals with human apperance in this world our task is to learn not to subdivide people by any feature into “us” and “aliens”. “We all are children of God!” — thus God teaches us: “… There is no difference between Jew and Greek,  black and white, for the same God is over all who call on Him!” It is the same with any feature of an external human appearance.

What is important when we assess people is their gunas. One should love everyone but do it differently. So, some people should be loved with love-devotion and respect, others — in the same way as we love children or friends, and yet others — with love-compassion. But one must never hate or disdain anyone!

So are disciples of God. If they are wise, they comprehend the discipleship. Fleshly forms do not deceive them, and speaking with someone, they look at the state of the soul of that person.


The Holy Spirit is the Creator manifesting Himself in the Creation through spiritual Adepts Who achieved full Self-realization (=God-realization) and merged into Him, and through Those Who have not entered into the Abode of the Creator yet but have achieved Mergence with the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit supervises the activity of other spirits of earlier stages of evolutionary development. He also guides all successfully developing seekers, for example by giving them prophetic information. Yeshua said the following about this: “But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own, He will speak only what He hears…”


The more primitive the social environment is, the more petty features people use to divide themselves and to associate themselves. And this results in more conflicts in such an environment.

“Inflating” of patriotic ideas in large national or religious associations can cause an increase of nazi (fascist) moods. They captivate a part of the society inclined to aggression, which is represented by the least evolutionary developed people. If the masses of primitive people excited with fascist ideas are led by powerful diabolic persons, then it may result in large-scale wars with the purpose of destroying or enslaving “lower” (or called by similar humiliating epithets) nations and taking over their property and land.

In other cases, the ideas of patriotism can be used to defend a nation from an enemy’s aggression or to liberate the country from the occupation.

But the highest patriotism means people’s associating by the idea of feeling God-the-Father as the Highest Hierarch, and the homeland for them is His Creation or even the entire universe. In this case, all people and other incarnate and non-incarnate beings are members of one family — brothers and sisters of various age, children of common God-the-Father, Who loves everyone.

And this is really the case, this is the actual situation in the universe. But people intoxicated with egoism and hatred, blinded with craving for earthly things cannot understand this. And quite often such people are the “overwhelming majority” of the society…

Yeshua Messiah preached the idea of God-Centredness, patriotism, where the Pater is God-the-Father.


He alone has existed since all eternity, and His existence will have no end. He has no equal either in the Heavens or on the Earth. The Great Creator has not shared His power with any living being… He alone possesses Omnipotence. He willed it, and the world appeared. In a Divine thought, He gathered together the waters, separating from them the dry portion of the globe. He is the principle of the mysterious existence of man… The Eternal Lawgiver is one; there is no other god but He. He has not shared the world with anyone, neither has He informed anyone of His intentions.

It is to Him that you must address yourselves to be consoled in your sorrows, helped in your works, and cured in your sickness. Whosoever shall have recourse to Him shall not be denied. When you address yourselves to Him, become again as children!

11 Ekim 2018 Perşembe


There is God, what do we have to do then?

First, we should try, at least, to remember about His existence, to perceive Him as our Goal, the Goal of just our intellectual search at the beginning.

Second, to strive to perfect ourselves for the sake of fulfilling His Will: (“… Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect!”). This implies, first of all, a) intellectual self-development through all possible means, and b) ethical self-transformation through studying His Will for us, through conscious development of positive qualities in ourselves and struggling with negative ones, and also through serving other people: helping them in everything good, trying to facilitate their earthly lives and spiritual growth.

Irritated angriness is the state of inhabitants of hell. God can be cognized only through meditative work, but if one involves immature people in such work, then they turn it into a childish game, which may cause gross ethical perversions. And this may even result in mental disorders.

Practical observations demonstrate that it is better to keep many people away from religious zeal: they can do nothing good there anyway. They have no love. On the contrary, if we have love, it can draw us to God. 


"Simon Peter said to them, ‘Make Mary leave us, for females don’t deserve the (True) Life!’ Yeshua said, ‘Look, I will guide her to make her male!… For every female who makes herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven!’"

A man going to Perfection has to supplement himself with femininity — the best qualities that the best women possess. A woman going to Perfection has to supplement herself with masculinity — the best qualities that the best men possess. As a result, both the man and the woman forget about the sex of their current bodies and become pure consciousnesses aspiring to Mergence with the Creator. “… When you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, then you will enter the Kingdom (of the Father)!”


The religiosity of people of different intellectual levels differ.
Only intellectually and ethically mature adepts are capable of cognizing God-the-Father. The task of the rest of people is to strive consciously for this maturity by receiving education, working for the good of God and people, and learning to love.

The highest level is represented by Yeshua Messiah. Not even His personal disciples could comprehend with the mind all the profundity of His Teachings.

The second level is represented by the closest disciples of Jesus, who tried to understand the Teacher and partly succeeded in this.

The next level is people of a high social rank who knew and followed the earthly religious traditions concerning rituals and rules of conduct. But they were not capable of apprehending the living words of God.

And the lowest level is people capable of thinking only according to the following scheme: “They give me — it’s good! They stop giving me — it’s bad!”.

The developed intellect of a person does not imply that the level of ethical development of this person is also high. But ethical self-development is not possible without a developed intellect. Therefore, if we seek spiritual self-realization, we have to work on the intellectual self-development as well.

What contributes to this development? First of all, getting education, various kinds of labor (especially, creative ones), work with books, taking part in theoretical searches. The modern society, highly developed in the scientific and technical aspects, is a very good possibility for applying the mind and developing it.

Be wise, be simple.


“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Many readers concluded from it that Yeshua preaches the intellectual primitivism and parasitism.

But Yeshua meant a completely different thing! He spoke about the future blessedness not of panhandling parasites, but of people who renounced striving for material wealth and who did it not due to laziness, drunkenness, or other reasons like this, but due to spiritual creed — “due to spirit” and not “in spirit”.

Those will be blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven who renounced possessing earthly things, renounced seeking earthly wealth because the Heavenly Father will be their Wealth if they dedicated themselves to aspiring for Him. “Do not lay up treasures on the Earth…, but lay up treasures in Heaven… for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”, — this is one of the most important postulates of His Teachings.


“But,” said the priests, “how could people live according to the rules of justice if it had no preceptors?”

Then Yeshua answered, “So long as the people had no priests, the natural law governed them, and they preserved the candor of the souls.

“The souls were in God, and to communicate with the Father they did not have to use the medium of any idol, or animal, or fire, as it is practiced here.

“… The Sun is acting not spontaneously, but according to the Will of the invisible Creator, Who gave it birth.

“… The Eternal Spirit is the Soul of all that is animate. You commit a great sin by dividing It into a ‘Spirit of Evil’ and a ‘Spirit of Good’, for He is only God of Good, Who, like the father of a family, does but good to His children, forgiving all their faults if they repent them.


Yeshua had come to demonstrate the human potential. What I do, (may) everyone be able to do. What I am, (may) everyone be. These boons are for every nation, (they are) the water and bread of life.

He worked wonders such as healing sick people and raising people from the dead, preached in synagogues, in houses, in the open air about what the Heavenly Father wants people to be.

Thousands of people listened to Yeshua, witnessed the Divine Love and got healed of their diseases. Some of them gave up their earthly occupations and joined Yeshua in order to travel with Him and to learn from Him.

No doubt, He wanted to find them as people to whom He could give all the highest knowledge about the Father. He wanted them to enter the Abode of the Father together with Him. “Father! I want those you have given Me to be with Me where I am!”

But when He said something that exceeded their ability to comprehend, they surprised Him with their lack of understanding, many left Him doubting the adequacy of His words and even His sanity.

Even His mother and brothers once came to the place where He was preaching to take Him home, for they decided that He was insane if He was saying things like that.

At the end — after three years of teaching, giving discourses, working wonders — He was with only 12 male disciples (one of them was Judas Iscariot who betrayed Him later) and Mary Magdalene.

And where were the crowds of thousands of excited commoners who listened to His sermons, ate the food that He materialized for them, and got healed of various diseases?

It turned out that these crowds did not need the Teachings about the efforts that one has to make in order to enter the Kingdom of God. They wanted Yeshua only to heal, to pay attention to them.

Yeshua saw this and began to avoid the crowds: “… Crowds of people came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses, but He often withdrew to lonely places.”

Yes, He healed some of them, but it could not continue like this forever. He wanted people to learn the true faith, to make personal efforts on becoming better. Then the diseases would go away by the Will of the Father… “You faithless and perverse generation, how much longer must I be with you, bear with you?!” He cried once because of hopelessness of this situation.

And the crowd, being stirred up against Him by the priests, got angry… “… You look for an opportunity to kill Me, (only) because there is no place in you for My word!” Yeshua said once trying to bring them to reason.

But it was too late: the crowd of resentful wanting primitive people got more and more angry because they could receive more but were given too little…

Soon, the same people yelled to Pilate: “Crucify, crucify Him!".


“The ‘Spirit of Evil’ dwells on the Earth in the minds of those men who turn aside the children of God from the right Path which is love. Therefore I say unto you, beware of the day of judgment, for God will inflict a terrible chastisement upon all those who shall have led His children astray from the right Path and have filled them with superstitions and prejudices!”


Yeshua told me that he was created 2000 years ago by God from His essence and sent to Earth for the first time as a Holy Spirit. He had not come to Earth before. He had been sent on duty to teach and show us The Divine Love of God. Therefore, it is correct to say that Yeshua Messiah is a Part of God-the-Father and that it was always so: There are other souls also have gained the right to enter the Kingdom of God but, they have a human past.  Upon attaining full perfection and merging with God-the-Father, ona becomes a messiah. Messiah means pure soul. A soul who is a part of The Holy Spirit. That doesn't mean that he is the God, Almighty. But, the second birth to eternal life with God has been gained.


Messiah, the One who comes to the Earth from God-the-Father — as a Part of His Holy Spirit — to give help of the highest Divine level to incarnate people.

God-the-Father is One Consciousness and, former human Consciousnesses merged into His Holy Spirit. These Consciousnesses were individualized in the past, but after attaining full spiritual self-realization and merging into God-the-Father, They dwell in His Abode in the state of mutual mergence, forming a single Whole. This idea is expressed in the Gospel of John (1:4): “In Him (in God-the-Father) was life, and the life was the Light of Men”. There is a similar statement in the Gospel of Philip (87): “The Sons of the Bridal Chamber (the Abode of the Creator, where one merges with Him in Love) have one and the same name (i.e. They all are God-the-Father now)”. But They — former human beings who became consubstantial with God-the-Father — are capable of individualizing Themselves again for a time in the form of the Holy Spirit if it is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling a certain task of God-the-Father.

10 Ekim 2018 Çarşamba


Sexual intercourse is meant only for breeding. Look at the animals. They do it correctly. They came together at certain times of the year and having intercourse just for breeding. Human beings have gone wrong on this matter which is the cause of all the sexual pervertions. Sexual intercourse must not be used other than the purpose of breeding. If used for pleasure, if the opposite gender, woman is seen as an sex object rather than a procreant human being then just like eating for pleasure causes gluttony sexual pervertions such as homosexuality, relations with animals and incest relations starts. Unfortunately these pervertions are all over the world in abundance.

Yeshua. 10.10.2018


There is only one real love. There is only one everlasting love. There is only one love ın which is there a reality. That's God's love. God's love is forever. All the other loves are fake. They are temporal. When one persson dies one generation coming after him or her will remember them. They will be forgetten eventually by the following generations and no love for them will be left. But, God's love is forever. Love comes only from God and must be returned to Him.

Yeshua. 10.10.2018

6 Ekim 2018 Cumartesi


Dünyada ruhunu saflaştırabilen varlıklar ölüm ötesinde gözlerini ışığa açarlar. Onlar ışığa çekilip alınırlar ve orada ebedi yaşama kabul edilirler. Hükmü Tanrı kendi huzurunda verir. Bu ruhlara kutsal ruhlar denir.

Yeşua hiçbir zaman Tanrıya eşit olduğunu  iddia etmemiştir. "Baba benden büyüktür" ve "Benim Babamın ve sizin Babanızın, benim Tanrımın ve sizin Tanrınızın yanına çıkacağım’’ sözleri  ortadadır.

Yeshua “Biz tanıdığımıza tapınıyoruz” demişti.

Tanımadığınız ya da anlayamadığınız birini gerçekten sevebilir misiniz?

Tanrının gizemli Biri olmadığını, O’nun gerçek bir varlık, tüm varlığın kaynağı, bilen, gören, yöneten ve hüküm sahibi olduğunu anlarsak O’nu sevmemiz çok daha kolay olur. 

Sevmeyen kimse Tanrı’yı tanımamıştır, çünkü Tanrı sevgidir.



I do not hate anybody or any nation. I condemn the evil doings in general. For me there are two kinds of people. The good, minority and the bad, majority.

Hate, anger, greed, jealousy and such negative feelings cut us from Holy Spirit's Divine energy mostly.

We must not let negative feelings and bad thoughts live in our hearts.

Human beings became servants of their own bodies. Bodies are only covers. Nothing else. If you pollute them by bad feeding and bad thoughts your souls shall also be fouled. Eat less and move a lot. Also, human beings are using their bodies as a weapon against each other. These are wrong doings.

I am a drop of direct light from God. So, I wish you to be all the same. I am the path, illuminated path. If you stray from this path wickedness  will catch you just like wild animals catching their prays. Follow me, the illuminated path and, this will take you to eternal life again.

Evil doings of the tyrants got out of control. That will lead to a mass extinction of the species including humans. Water will cover almost all over the world.



Bütün din kitapları bazı ilahi gerçekleri içermekte olsada politik olarak yazılmışlardır.

Gökten kitap inmez. Nasıl ki kuyudan kitap çıkınca orası şeytan kuyusu oluyorsa gökten de inse inse yağmur, kar iner. İlham kalbi saf olanlara gelir ve onlarda zaten dışlanıp öldürülür ve sonrada idol yapılıp politikalara âlet edilir. Amaç putperestlerin toplumları koyun gibi güderek kendi şeytan egolarını tatmin etmesidir.

Bu sözlerim vicdanlaradır. Kulaklara değil. Vicdan sahibi olmayanları koyverin gitsinler.


Yok olduğunuz anda tanrısallaşırsınız. Tanrısallaşan olursanız insanların gerçeklerini görürsünüz. Dinler insanları sınırlandırır. Oysa biz size özgürlüğü veriyoruz. Önce sizi eğitiyor doğruları söylüyoruz. Ve sizi özgür iradenizle bırakıyoruz. İşte sınav ondan sonra başlıyor.

Kutsanmış kişi artık olmayan kişidir. "Ben yokum Tanrı var" kavramına alışmalısınız. İçinize baktığınızda "ben" yoksa "ego" yoksa mutlak sessizlik mutlak boşluk varsa orada Tanrı vardır. Ben dediğiniz anda varoluştan ayrılırsınız.

Yeşua, 12.12.2017

5 Ekim 2018 Cuma



İnsanı kamil olabilmek için, o mertebeye erişip ölüm ötesinde sonsuz yaşama kavuşup Tanrının krallığına girip görevli tanrısal varlık olabilmek için Tanrı delisi olmak gerekir. Hiçbir şahsi beklentisi olmadan ve tamamen kendi özgür iradesi ile bu yolu seçebilmiş olmak gerekir.

O mertebede de bilmek gerekir ki Tanrının işleri insanoğlu için değil ama Tanrı içindir. Sahip olduğumuz istisnasız herşey Tanrıdan gelir ve sadece Tanrıya aittir.  Ve şefkat sadece Tanrı merkezli olmak durumundadır. Kendimiz için birşey beklemeyiz.


Ruh için Tanrının krallığı ve Onun işleri daima ilk ve en önemlisi olmalıdır. Doğru anda derhal tepki vermelidir çünkü Tanrının işleri görev verildiği anda yapılır. Tanrının askeri olan saf (kutsal) ruhlar yani insanı kamiller Ona her zaman hizmet etmek ve görevlerini verildiği anda gerçekleştirmek için Onun huzurunda ayakta ve tam odaklanmış olarak hazır beklerler. Odaklanmak çok önemlidir. Odaklanmak fiili sürekli olmalıdır. Çünkü bir anlık başka yere kaymak sizin yönünüzü Tanrıdan çevirecektir. Buna da izin verilmez. Sonuçta bu derece bir teslimiyet kolay değildir ve yaşarken tüm tutku ve takıntılardan arınmış, saflaşmış ruhlar olmak gerekir ki bu da tam adanmayı, tam sevgiyi gerektirir. Yine de insan yaşarken bu bilinç seviyesine tam ulaşamaz ama en azından davranışlarını bu yönde doğrulukta ve iyilikte tutarak olumsuz duygularını kontrol altında tutabilir. Bu insanın kendisinin ötesinde yaşıyor olmasıdır. Bu olma durumuna dünyada yaşarken yaklaşılır ve ölüm ötesinde tam kavuşulup tanrısal halkaya kabul edilinir. Bunu başarmak içinde bedenliyken Tanrı delisi olmak, Tanrıyı tüm kalbinizle, aklınızla ve ruhunuzla sevmeniz gerekir. Elbette bu durum yaşamdan zevk alınmaması, inzivaya çekilinmesi demek değildir. Önemli olan toplum içinde ve onlarla birlikte yaşarken dış şartlar ne olursa olsun insanın kendi içinde, ruhunda bu kontrolü, suküneti ve adanmışlığı sağlayabilmesidir.


4 Ekim 2018 Perşembe



With the birth of every "human child", the Universal Mind ( God ) gives being to another " living temple" through which, and in which, "It" can express itself as the son (message,  the pure one), but only if the temple is pure! Man is the only organism on Earth in which and through which the Universal Mind (the Source) functions as the Source in the World of form. At our birth our parents give us a name, and then immediately begin to program us in "their" image and likeness, totally oblivious as to what manner of being we really are. So, as long as we function as the person our parents created when they named us at our birth, "we", cannot function as the Messiah! Why, because we "think" we are the person our parents created when they named us. We are here to becomeThe Sons, pure souls, messiahs.



Discipline derives from the same root as disciple, meaning to follow one’s path.  It is not a forced effort, as some make it seem.  Everyone must develop self-discipline, as no one is born disciplined.

Without a certain amount of self-discipline, it is impossible to do the purification which is necessary to have larger capacity to hold energy.  Discipline does more than just train the mind .  It actually increases the amount of energy the body can hold at once.  This is another subtle benefit of disciplining the body, the mind and the emotions.

Discipline and persistence mixed with great love and compassion are necessary.


Developing means logical thinking, ability to take direction, staying out of fear and arrogance, avoiding victim thinking, and avoiding liberal concepts such as diversity, moral relativism, valuing music and art too much, sexual laxness or excess, hating God or other spiritual figures, and generally sloppy thinking.

2 Ekim 2018 Salı


Okuduklarını mutlaka uygulasınlar. Önemi olan bunları kendi yaşamlarında uyguluyor olmalarıdır. Değer olarak Tanrının önüne hiçbir şeyi koymasınlar. Yüzleri hep ışığa dönük olsun. Tanrı sevgisi herşeyin önünde gelmelidir. Tanrı tüm canlılara temiz nefesini ve saf enerjisini her an kesintisiz göndermektedir. Yaşamın temelinde bu temiz kaynak vardır. Karşılığında sizden bu temiz enerjileri aynı temizlikte geri göndermenizi ister. Yani yaşam için Ondan aldıklarınızı kirletmeden tekrar saf ve temiz olarak geri göndermeniz gerekiyor. Bu da temiz ve yararlı bir yaşam sürmekle olur.

Herşeyden önce Tanrı gelir. Sonra sevgi ve sonra güç ve dördüncü olarak da fedakarlık. Sırası böyledir. Bunları okuyucularına bildir.

Yeşua, 2017


Gelenek ve kültür, temelinde farklılıklar gösterir. Ancak Yeşua'nın sözleri tüm zamanlardan ve tüm kültürlerden olan insanlar için önem taşıyor. Hepsi için aynı anlamı taşıyor. Bu nedenle Yeşua'yı Hristiyanlığın bir sembolü olarak görmeyin. Ona kültürel ve dini gözlüklerinizi çıkararak bakın. Yeşua sevgiyi temsil ediyor. Evrensel olan kutsal saf sevgiyi. Ön yargısız bakıldığında görülecektir ki onun sözleri ve yaşamı sadece bunu gösteriyor. Tanrısal sevgi.

Sevgi bizi Tanrıya götürecek, Onun kutsal ruhunda bir yer edinmemizi sağlayacak tek yoldur. Bu nedenle kalpleriniz sevgi ile dolu olsun. Buna odaklanın. Başka yöne bakmayın.

Yeşua diyor ki: Benim ďünyaya tekrar geleceğim söyleniyor. Ben dünyaya tekrar eğer insanlar Tanrının yoluna odaklanırsa gelirim. Insanların bu haliyle dünyaya tekrar gelmem söz konusu değil. Ancak ruh olarak ben her zaman dünyaya gelip gittim şimdi ruh olarakta sadece kardeşime bunları bildirmek icin yaklaşıyorum. Oda buraya geldiğinde benim artık dünya ile bir bağım kalmayacak. Esasen sadece ben degil tüm azizler, tüm kutsal enerjiler dünyayı terk etti. Tanrıda dünyaya artık yardım etmiyor. Onunda sabrı bu nesil için bitti. 2018 den itibaren insan doğanın intikamını Tanrının engellemesi olmadan yaşamak durumundadır. Süreç başladı ve son gecikmeyecek.


Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...