
14 Ekim 2018 Pazar


We have to try to become “perfect as (our) Heavenly Father is perfect” and merge into Him as soon as possible: He calls us into His Embrace, to the supreme bliss of being in Him, in Mergence with Him.

In the year 553, the leaders of the Christian communities established by that time gathered for a “council” and decided “by a majority” to exclude from the Teachings of Yeshua that part where the meaning of existence of humans and other living beings on the Earth was explained from the evolutionary standpoint. Thus the Teachings were deprived of their integrity and completeness. After that, people unable to find answers to many naturally arising questions began to fantasize. For example, they decided that the cause of our suffering on the Earth is the sins inherited from Adam and Eve, and therefore we are absolutely hopeless sinners, no efforts on self-perfection can help or are necessary, for it can only seduce us into the sin of pride…

But such beliefs cannot save anyone from hell, since they are directly opposite to the Teachings of Yeshua Messiah. He taught that people have to make efforts on perfecting themselves. He said: “… The Kingdom of God is being preached (by Me), and everyone is making efforts to enter into it”. He also never called us back to paganism.

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