
4 Ekim 2018 Perşembe



With the birth of every "human child", the Universal Mind ( God ) gives being to another " living temple" through which, and in which, "It" can express itself as the son (message,  the pure one), but only if the temple is pure! Man is the only organism on Earth in which and through which the Universal Mind (the Source) functions as the Source in the World of form. At our birth our parents give us a name, and then immediately begin to program us in "their" image and likeness, totally oblivious as to what manner of being we really are. So, as long as we function as the person our parents created when they named us at our birth, "we", cannot function as the Messiah! Why, because we "think" we are the person our parents created when they named us. We are here to becomeThe Sons, pure souls, messiahs.

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