
11 Ekim 2018 Perşembe


“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Many readers concluded from it that Yeshua preaches the intellectual primitivism and parasitism.

But Yeshua meant a completely different thing! He spoke about the future blessedness not of panhandling parasites, but of people who renounced striving for material wealth and who did it not due to laziness, drunkenness, or other reasons like this, but due to spiritual creed — “due to spirit” and not “in spirit”.

Those will be blessed in the Kingdom of Heaven who renounced possessing earthly things, renounced seeking earthly wealth because the Heavenly Father will be their Wealth if they dedicated themselves to aspiring for Him. “Do not lay up treasures on the Earth…, but lay up treasures in Heaven… for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”, — this is one of the most important postulates of His Teachings.

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