
11 Ekim 2018 Perşembe


The religiosity of people of different intellectual levels differ.
Only intellectually and ethically mature adepts are capable of cognizing God-the-Father. The task of the rest of people is to strive consciously for this maturity by receiving education, working for the good of God and people, and learning to love.

The highest level is represented by Yeshua Messiah. Not even His personal disciples could comprehend with the mind all the profundity of His Teachings.

The second level is represented by the closest disciples of Jesus, who tried to understand the Teacher and partly succeeded in this.

The next level is people of a high social rank who knew and followed the earthly religious traditions concerning rituals and rules of conduct. But they were not capable of apprehending the living words of God.

And the lowest level is people capable of thinking only according to the following scheme: “They give me — it’s good! They stop giving me — it’s bad!”.

The developed intellect of a person does not imply that the level of ethical development of this person is also high. But ethical self-development is not possible without a developed intellect. Therefore, if we seek spiritual self-realization, we have to work on the intellectual self-development as well.

What contributes to this development? First of all, getting education, various kinds of labor (especially, creative ones), work with books, taking part in theoretical searches. The modern society, highly developed in the scientific and technical aspects, is a very good possibility for applying the mind and developing it.

Be wise, be simple.

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