
12 Ekim 2018 Cuma


The more primitive the social environment is, the more petty features people use to divide themselves and to associate themselves. And this results in more conflicts in such an environment.

“Inflating” of patriotic ideas in large national or religious associations can cause an increase of nazi (fascist) moods. They captivate a part of the society inclined to aggression, which is represented by the least evolutionary developed people. If the masses of primitive people excited with fascist ideas are led by powerful diabolic persons, then it may result in large-scale wars with the purpose of destroying or enslaving “lower” (or called by similar humiliating epithets) nations and taking over their property and land.

In other cases, the ideas of patriotism can be used to defend a nation from an enemy’s aggression or to liberate the country from the occupation.

But the highest patriotism means people’s associating by the idea of feeling God-the-Father as the Highest Hierarch, and the homeland for them is His Creation or even the entire universe. In this case, all people and other incarnate and non-incarnate beings are members of one family — brothers and sisters of various age, children of common God-the-Father, Who loves everyone.

And this is really the case, this is the actual situation in the universe. But people intoxicated with egoism and hatred, blinded with craving for earthly things cannot understand this. And quite often such people are the “overwhelming majority” of the society…

Yeshua Messiah preached the idea of God-Centredness, patriotism, where the Pater is God-the-Father.

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