
14 Ekim 2018 Pazar


He is God and Father of everything, the invisible One Who is above everything, Who is indestructible, Who is Pure Light, Whom no eye* can see.

God is the invisible Spirit. It is not right to think of Him as you think of gods, or something similar. … Everything exists in Him.

God is illimitable, since there was nothing prior to Him to limit Him. … He is immeasurable, since there was no one prior to Him to measure Him. … He is eternal. … He exists eternally. … There is no way to tell His quantity… He is not contained in time…

God is life-giving Life. He is blessedness-giving blessed One. He is wisdom-giving Wisdom. He is salvation-giving and love-giving Love.

God is motionless, He resides in calm and silence. He directs His desires into His Flow of Light. He is the Source of this Flow of Light.

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