
12 Ekim 2018 Cuma


Although there are many animals with human apperance in this world our task is to learn not to subdivide people by any feature into “us” and “aliens”. “We all are children of God!” — thus God teaches us: “… There is no difference between Jew and Greek,  black and white, for the same God is over all who call on Him!” It is the same with any feature of an external human appearance.

What is important when we assess people is their gunas. One should love everyone but do it differently. So, some people should be loved with love-devotion and respect, others — in the same way as we love children or friends, and yet others — with love-compassion. But one must never hate or disdain anyone!

So are disciples of God. If they are wise, they comprehend the discipleship. Fleshly forms do not deceive them, and speaking with someone, they look at the state of the soul of that person.

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