
6 Ekim 2018 Cumartesi


I do not hate anybody or any nation. I condemn the evil doings in general. For me there are two kinds of people. The good, minority and the bad, majority.

Hate, anger, greed, jealousy and such negative feelings cut us from Holy Spirit's Divine energy mostly.

We must not let negative feelings and bad thoughts live in our hearts.

Human beings became servants of their own bodies. Bodies are only covers. Nothing else. If you pollute them by bad feeding and bad thoughts your souls shall also be fouled. Eat less and move a lot. Also, human beings are using their bodies as a weapon against each other. These are wrong doings.

I am a drop of direct light from God. So, I wish you to be all the same. I am the path, illuminated path. If you stray from this path wickedness  will catch you just like wild animals catching their prays. Follow me, the illuminated path and, this will take you to eternal life again.

Evil doings of the tyrants got out of control. That will lead to a mass extinction of the species including humans. Water will cover almost all over the world.


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