
11 Ekim 2018 Perşembe


There is God, what do we have to do then?

First, we should try, at least, to remember about His existence, to perceive Him as our Goal, the Goal of just our intellectual search at the beginning.

Second, to strive to perfect ourselves for the sake of fulfilling His Will: (“… Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect!”). This implies, first of all, a) intellectual self-development through all possible means, and b) ethical self-transformation through studying His Will for us, through conscious development of positive qualities in ourselves and struggling with negative ones, and also through serving other people: helping them in everything good, trying to facilitate their earthly lives and spiritual growth.

Irritated angriness is the state of inhabitants of hell. God can be cognized only through meditative work, but if one involves immature people in such work, then they turn it into a childish game, which may cause gross ethical perversions. And this may even result in mental disorders.

Practical observations demonstrate that it is better to keep many people away from religious zeal: they can do nothing good there anyway. They have no love. On the contrary, if we have love, it can draw us to God. 

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