
28 Haziran 2021 Pazartesi


GOD created everything, the whole universe and then created you and gave you the knowledge of good and bad. So do good, because GOD, through life, blessed you the time to do good to meet the good of GOD.

Righteous men and women always attempt to gain prosperity through positive decisions. That‘s why they perform good deeds, follow the commandments of GOD & all kinds of laws of the state & humanity and are not an unnecessary hindrance for anyone. They are peaceful in love with peace. The book of their acts is a record of their positivity, which is nothing but deeds done to serve GOD in favour of humanity. These men and women will gain salvation & prosperity by the will of GOD, here and hereafter. 

Evil men and women always attempt to gain prosperity through negative decisions & means. That‘s why they commit sins and break the law and cause harm to everyone. They are evil, making life miserable for others. The book of their deeds is their earning, a report of negativity which is nothing but a record of their evil & devilish acts performed to gain worldly pleasures and to earn punishment & torment. These men and women will gain nothing but the same what they earned, loss here and hereafter. 

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