
22 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba


Matthew 13:1–9, Tend Your Garden....
Our psyche is the garden whose soil we must till, fertilize, weed, water, and harvest.

Matthew 13:1–16, Hardened Hearts, Open Hearts....
Our first point of contact to God Within is our felt experiences. We must be open-hearted to our own nature if we are to have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Matthew 24:32–51, Heaven and Earth Will Pass Away....
We must build a vessel capable of withstanding the floods of our impulses, emotions, body sensations, and/or compulsive thoughts. The vessel we need is a body-mind that lives in conscious relationship to God Within/Self.

Matthew 24:36–44, Be Ready....
The work of consciousness always involves clearing the beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, conditioning, etc. that block the natural movement of the Self/God Within into our ways of experiencing and living.

Matthew 25:1–13, Having Your Fuel....
Our most powerful impulses and longings are organic; they emanate from deep within us instead of being imposed by our heads.

Philippians 3:3b–14, Let Go Of Your Garbage....
When we follow externally prescribed and imposed ways of thinking, emoting, and acting, we can find ourselves on a misguided path.

Philippians 3:13–21, Reconnect....
When we go in self-destructive circles, we need to look for the bit of our soul that got stuck.

Psalm 44, Live In Relationship To the Unconscious....
To live in relationship to the unconscious is to open to the Divine as it expresses in our personality.

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