
23 Ocak 2020 Perşembe


The inflated status of fertile young women is another characteristic of our Illuminati-induced dysfunction. These women remind me of poker players recklessly overplaying their hand. They have lost the capacity for love, and sex is a paltry substitute. Their dependence on their sex appeal is very risky. The shelf life is short and the competition is fierce. Jaded males look at 1000's of practically identical naked women on the Net these days without being turned on. Increasingly they need drugs to respond and I suspect disgust with women is the unconscious reason. Viagra and Cialis sales are in the billions. Does it make sense to use these drugs?

Socrates said that when he no longer had a sex drive in old age, he was "released from the jaws of a wild beast." Why would any man take a drug in order to be captive once again?

Hormones generated by the testes cause the male sex drive which takes control of our minds. How powerful are these hormones? Most young men would agree that their sisters are barely tolerable. However, other men's sisters are an endless source of wonder and fascination.

What's the difference? Sex of course. Are there harmless drugs that could suppress the production of these mind-altering sex hormones? Perhaps they could be made widely available to young men. Then women, deprived of their magical spell, could be seen clearly and men could concentrate on something else. When a man falls in love based with a total human being, he could go off the drug. Of course, a better solution is for men and women to marry (or establish a long-term loving relationship) at a much younger age (i.e. 18-20) like they used to.

People decry marriage because sex declines in importance over time. I thought that was the purpose of marriage. Sex belongs to an age-and-stage, i.e. courting and procreation. We weren't meant to be obsessed with it for our whole lives. There are much more important and interesting things to do.

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