
1 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba


What is going on on Earth are all vile doings of greedy mankind. It’s not meant to be like that. It could have been different if we had act properly. There is no future that is previously written by God. The future is dynamic not static. GOD makes it anew every second and put in front of us. That is eternity unknown. It all depend on how we behave.

Superstitious believes should be abandoned. We can not sit and wait. Evil must be stopped. The old must be forsaken for the sake of kindness. Yes, big nature changes are at the door but, we can act accordingly and protect the future of at least some of our children.

If we sit and surrender then it will only help to acceletate the evil state of going. Stop crying and do something.

God bless all who are still pure in their hearts.

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