
22 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba


Hosea 6:6, Wanted: Mercy and Loving-Kindness, Not Sacrifice....
Loving-kindness opens our heart to see the presence of God Within in all we are, say, do, and encounter.

John 1:1–18, Incarnation—Embodying Your Self....
The path of becoming human is to embody our essence—the Divine nature that is the substance of who we are.

John 7:37–52, Living Waters Within
Our emotional, mental, and spiritual thirsts require “water” not physical in nature.... 
On the spiritual plane, the water needed is the Spirit.

John 8:12–20, Pass No Judgment....
We need discernment, not judgment. All of our relations, outer and inner world, need space where two different perspectives can meet.

John 8:33–47, Follow the Inner Divine....
By seeking to know the larger Self/God Within, we open to moments of feeling and knowing the Divine authority within us.

John 12:1–8, Nurture Your Inner Mary....
Mary symbolizes the receptive and magnetic energy within us that nurtures and treasures the expressions of our souls.

John 15:9–17, Remove the Filters....
We have to lay down our ideas of who we are and consciously relate to all we are.

John 20:19–23, Forgive Yourself....
When we receive and follow God Within, we forgive ourselves for whatever haunts us, and we move on.

Judges 2:1–5, 11–23, Forsaking the Self....
When have you followed a path that was not the direction of your Self/God Within?

Luke 1:39–45(46–55), Letting Go Of Distorted Ideas....
By striving to see and feel and know the Divine Within our life, we move towards felt experiences that let us perceive and move in new ways.

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