
10 Aralık 2021 Cuma


This information is also Arriving in Jerusalem, Yeshua made an extraordinary accusation that infuriated the priests and scribes of the holy city:   

“Every secret you’ve kept will become known. What you have whispered in hidden places will be shouted from the housetops.”  

What was Yeshua talking about? And how did he come to possess knowledge that threatened these influential men? We suggest that Yeshua was specifically calling out Joseph Caiaphas and Herod Antipas as hypocrites because they have announced;

“… build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepuchres of the righteous, and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets.” 

The tomb he was confronting them about was the Jerusalem Temple which had been built to house the Ark of the Covenant, a holy relic constructed by Moses. Yeshua’s words suggest that it was the blood of the prophet Moses which dripped from the ancestors of Caiaphas and Antipas. Joseph Caiaphas was descended from Israel’s third son, Levi. Herod Antipas’s ancestors came from Edom, where Reuel, Moses’s father-in-law, was born. In KILLING MOSES, we put forward the case that Moses had been murdered by Reuel and Levi at the Mountain of God. Reuel, also an Egyptian-trained magician, used hypnotism and puppetry to manipulate the children of Israel to secure the power he’d sought his entire adult life. Levi and his descendants, the Levite scribes, covered-up the homicide by their careful, and relentless, editing of the early parts of Bible.  Could Herod Antipas and Joseph Caiaphas afford to let Yeshua expose the dark secret of their ancestors? They couldn't.  At the very least they would be deposed if the people believed their ancestors had murdered Moses. But it was too dangerous to respond directly to the explosive accusations and bring attention to the very thing they were trying to hide. It was even more dangerous to let the rabble-rouser continue to ignite dissent. It was decided. Yeshua must be arrested. The trial would be held in secret. 

Ancient Origins.

P.s.: Also confirmed by Yeshua.

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