
1 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba


Please stop asking why God allows malignancy on this world?

World is the place of selection. So try to be the ones who will be selected. Look above to Godly things and act accordingly. Defeat the world. Overcome the lusts and temptations.

God is looking for a few spiritually elite.

Why do you think that being chosen to be a part of the Holy Spirit, second birth to eternity, is to be easy?

Why God permits evil?

Think of God as an infinite magnetic field. Pulls goodness to Himself and pushes badness away. Once the beings has chosen by their free will to go away from God, they are free to go. These are their choices. GOD wants us to obey Him (Let Him flow through us) eventually to unite as one however, of course, there has been given a free will. So whenever we ask offendedly " O God why don't you stop all these evil doings ?" We must remember this. We have the free will given so let's make the right choices instead of complaining .

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