
1 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba


Spirituality is the God's call, on the contrary religiousness is believing in dogmas without any inner intuition .

When you believe blindly in dogmas, actually insulting your consciousness, you are being pulled down by the darkness. With dogmas you soul will be conquered by negative feelings such as rage, hatred and fear.

But, with intuition you will be filled with unconditional Divine Love for everybody and everything meaning that you have reached the unity. Your soul will be full of love, peace and understanding.

God is not a man. Which gives you a hint who devised this plan, the truth requires a much deeper understanding. We travel to this dimension as we have life scripts to play out; we need to experience all the different characters. The ancients understood that life requires more than can be found in books, the library of the universe still can only be found inside us.

Spirituality requires that you ask questions of yourself, whilst religions requires you to rely on books to move forward. When you appreciate you cannot be wiser than your creator, the holy books have locked millions of soul`s minds down.

Sadly, slavery still exists as religion was the slave owner’s mental back door plan.

When you debate with someone that can only recite from the holy books, they tend to not listen to reason, their aggression increases with the depth of your challenge, they are trying to break you as opposed to exchange ideas with you and violent language or behaviour is threatened when you do not fall into line.

That sounds a lot like the slave master converting the slave to me. Is it only me that can see this.?!

Religion is not soul food; it is more like cold comfort. The problem is the soul needs to be constantly stimulated with new concepts to challenge and to feel invigorated.

Religion gives your soul rules, which entraps it and limits you to the understanding of the writers of the holy books.

As the apparently only living Gods are not speaking anymore, people need more stimulus, they gravitate to the old ways, the ones calling them from within their soul.

Religion is memory based as people can only exchange holy books scriptures as opposed to their own original thinking. The person with the ability to recite more scriptures is regarded as the more gifted, not due to originality but to ability to recite script.

This can be good but this does not end the growing urge of the soul to get back to your real mission. The battle now commences with soul arguing with the programmed religious mind.

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