
22 Şubat 2022 Salı


Nothing that enters the subconscious may be erased. Considering that you even remember some things about your infancy, there is no such thing as erasure. Only its effects are removed. The ineffective subconscious records do not affect you during the process in your grave after death. Get rid of all negative emotions and thoughts.  Concentrate on God’s light. The place he shall go to will be shown to the dying person at the last moment. When the person dies, the brain rewinds all his memories like a film reel. All until it reaches your essence. But if you have any unsettled traumas, the film will snap at that point. Therefore, clean all evil and crises from your memory while alive. Not everyone wakes up immediately after death. The consequences of these traumas (Tantrums) will be experienced. This is why forgiving is important. It is important for you. By forgiving, you eliminate the effects of these fits on yourself, thus removing the traumas you will face after death; meaning that you will not experience them. Forgiving is not forgetting; it is removing its effects. Let happiness and enthusiasm preponderate on your character. Let positivity be permanent. Do not let negative emotions such as unhappiness, sadness and grudge be permanent. Make them go away quickly. Your character will pass on identically to the life after death. Especially your emotions during your final seven minutes are very important. Those, who have spent all or most of their lives as a negative person, should try to be happy in these last seven minutes. Although it is difficult, it is still better than not at all. They shall think of God, of the light. And the positive people shall not be confused in these seven minutes, they shall not rebel. These are valid for everyone.


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