
7 Mayıs 2020 Perşembe


“God is motionless, He resides in calm and silence. He directs His desires into His Flow of Light. He is the Source of this Flow of Light…”
“The Great Creator has not shared His Power with any living being!”

An ordinary person represents a small consciousness. But God is the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness of the whole universes.

And the task of every one of us is to attain qualitative Godlikeness and sufficient growth of the amount of the consciousness, and then to flow into that Ocean and become one with It.

In order to cognize the Creator, one has to become:

a) intellectually developed — to be able to comprehend where and how to go to God, given that the Path to the Abode of the Creator is much more difficult than any path on the Earth,

b) ethically perfect — so that God allows one to approach Him, otherwise He does not allow it.

Ethics is the science about the correct attitude of man:

. to God (in all of His Aspects and Manifestations),

. to other people and to all incarnate and non-incarnate beings,

. to one’s own life path.

c) strong, because one needs tremendous power and stamina to move from one eon to another; the power in question is not the power of the body, but the power of the consciousness. Moreover, the consciousness has to learn to live in the state of the Creator’s subtlety. Development of the coarse power of the consciousness means movement in the direction opposite from the Creator.

Having fulfilled spiritual Self-realization, one gets a possibility not only to enter the Abode of the Creator for a time but also to settle there in Mergence with Him.

This idea is expressed in the Gospel of John (1:4): “In Him (in God-the-Father) was life, and the life was the Light of Men”. There is a similar statement in the Gospel of Philip (87): “The Sons of the Bridal Chamber (the Abode of the Creator, where one merges with Him in Love) have one and the same name (i.e. They all are God-the-Father now)”. But They — former human beings who became consubstantial with God-the-Father — are capable of individualizing Themselves again for a time in the form of the Holy Spirit if it is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling a certain task of God-the-Father.

Now, it is easy to understand what is meant by the statement in the Old Testament that man was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27): the human organism with its multidimensional nature represents a kind of small model of the universal multidimensional Absolute.

Only intellectually and ethically mature adepts are capable of cognizing God-the-Father. The task of the rest of people is to strive consciously for this maturity by receiving education, working for the good of God and people, and learning to love.

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