
13 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba


To stay away from evil and to care only about one’s own salvation. Is it egotism! And what about wicked people then? — should we let them do all kinds of bad things?!”.

No. Even fighting against criminals, against the most abominable human behavior — if this is our duty, it can be done without hatred, fury, aversion, but in the state of emotional calm and attunement to Divinity. And by hellish emotions we can only do harm — both to ourselves and to others.

It is also important to understand that strong emotions storm not only inside the body. They create energy fields around it, which affect other people and can even make them ill.

If we follow Messiah’s principles, we will not be accustoming ourselves and other people to hell even when participating in earthly battles. This is about the state of consciousness. Yet, when doing this, one should not feel hatred, anger, or contempt, but feel calm and love and keep the attention on the Highest Goal — the Heavenly Father.

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