
13 Mayıs 2020 Çarşamba


One’s sins cannot be forgiven. The first and essential method of saving oneself from future hell is repentance — tracing in oneself all vices that cause ethical mistakes (sins) followed by the feeling of remorse; the basis of repentance is empathy with the victims of one’s own sinful behavior.

The true purpose of repentance is not to beg forgiveness for oneself but to get rid of vices. One can wash them away only with one’s own sincere repentance.

Repentance followed by an intellectual self-analysis that is the main purifier of the soul. It starts with the correction of the emotional sphere: refraining from coarse negative emotions and cultivating subtle positive ones, as well as accustoming oneself to paradisiacal states of the consciousness instead of hellish ones.

There is no “remission of sins” whatsoever. It is a wrong approach to the problem. The problem of repentance must be considered more seriously — it is not about how to beg forgiveness but about how to get rid of vices. Consequently, the mechanism of repentance must be different. The religious rituals are suitable only for children, beginners, and weak-minded adults.

But if in this process you suffer emotionally from self-pity because of the future retribution, then you are on the wrong path.

We have to feel compassion not for ourselves but for our victims — all those whom we made suffer physically or emotionally. And then we have to re-experience mentally each situation anew, but this time correctly.

If it is possible to redress the wrong in some way — even partly — we must certainly do it. If we ask forgiveness from God but ignore an existing possibility to redress the misdeed, we cannot expect a positive result: such repentance does not look sincere.

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