
11 Mayıs 2020 Pazartesi


In a series of many incarnations, a human being develops in three main directions: intellectual, ethic, and psychoenergetic ones. The first line of development is the most difficult one, taking the longest period of time.

Differences between people in the level of intellectual development are well known not only in psychiatry, which classifies people into a number of categories: idiots, imbeciles, morons, physiologically feebleminded people, people with serious mental defects (partial dementia, schizophrenia, paranoia, etc.) — and the rest. The intellectual differences can also be clearly seen in the religious field.
For example, some people are only capable of performing “prayerful” bodily movements and panhandling “for God’s sake”. In Russian Orthodoxy the following verbal construction is widely used: “to pray at something”. This means to make standard bodily movements when facing an object of ritual value.

People of a higher intellectual level are capable of studying the Will of God for us and doing the necessary work on perfecting themselves, primarily from the ethic standpoint.

But there are people who are able to encompass the entire profundity of the knowledge about God; through self-sacrificial work such adepts achieve Godlikeness and merge with God, finishing thus the personal evolution.

The reason for these differences between people lies not only in peculiarities of the intrauterine development and childhood diseases, and not even in the upbringing or education, but primarily in the evolutionary age of the soul and the efforts on self-perfection which this soul has already made.

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