An ordinary person represents a small consciousness. But God is the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness of the whole universe.
And the task of every one of us is to attain qualitative Godlikeness and sufficient growth of the amount of the consciousness, and then to flow into that Ocean and become one with It.
However, it is not enough to become intelligent and large. Man sent for self-development into the world of matter gets accustomed to living in dense spatial dimensions even without a body. And these dimensions are so distant from God-the-Father that He even cannot be seen from within them. When one lives in the non-corporeal form, one cannot move into subtle spatial dimensions. So, people-spirits, who are far from Perfection, can only know something about God, but they have never seen or experienced Him.
In order to cognize the Creator, one has to become:
a) intellectually developed — to be able to comprehend where and how to go to God, given that the Path to the Abode of the Creator is much more difficult than any path on the Earth,
b) ethically perfect — so that God allows one to approach Him, otherwise He does not allow it,
c) strong, because one needs tremendous power and stamina to move from one eon to another; the power in question is not the power of the body, but the power of the consciousness. Moreover, the consciousness has to learn to live in the state of the Creator’s subtlety. Development of the coarse power of the consciousness means movement in the direction opposite from the Creator.
The task of knowing subtle spatial dimensions is facilitated thanks to the multidimensional structure of the human organism (not of the body, but of the organism); the material body is only one of the layers of the organism. One can say that every man is represented potentially in all subtle realms. But it is not the same as what occultists describe in their books, there is no point in taking seriously the names they invented for several non-material “bodies” that every man allegedly has.
All processes of the transfiguration and development of an individual consciousness are possible only in the incarnate state, for it is through the organs of the body that we obtain energy needed for these processes. In other words, the organism is a kind of factory which converts the energy contained in the matter of the food and movement into the energy of the consciousness.
Let me stress that the growth of the consciousness can be correct or wrong. The latter happens when the consciousness grows in coarse spatial dimensions. And this process depends on our understanding of the principles and goals of our lives, on the level of cleanness from vices, on the manner of communication with other people, on the adequacy of the methods of spiritual work that we use, and even on what we eat.
Yeshua said: “Truly, I say to you, unless you are born in the Spirit’s element, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born in the Spirit is Spirit.”.
However, it is not enough to become intelligent and large. Man sent for self-development into the world of matter gets accustomed to living in dense spatial dimensions even without a body. And these dimensions are so distant from God-the-Father that He even cannot be seen from within them. When one lives in the non-corporeal form, one cannot move into subtle spatial dimensions. So, people-spirits, who are far from Perfection, can only know something about God, but they have never seen or experienced Him.
In order to cognize the Creator, one has to become:
a) intellectually developed — to be able to comprehend where and how to go to God, given that the Path to the Abode of the Creator is much more difficult than any path on the Earth,
b) ethically perfect — so that God allows one to approach Him, otherwise He does not allow it,
c) strong, because one needs tremendous power and stamina to move from one eon to another; the power in question is not the power of the body, but the power of the consciousness. Moreover, the consciousness has to learn to live in the state of the Creator’s subtlety. Development of the coarse power of the consciousness means movement in the direction opposite from the Creator.
The task of knowing subtle spatial dimensions is facilitated thanks to the multidimensional structure of the human organism (not of the body, but of the organism); the material body is only one of the layers of the organism. One can say that every man is represented potentially in all subtle realms. But it is not the same as what occultists describe in their books, there is no point in taking seriously the names they invented for several non-material “bodies” that every man allegedly has.
All processes of the transfiguration and development of an individual consciousness are possible only in the incarnate state, for it is through the organs of the body that we obtain energy needed for these processes. In other words, the organism is a kind of factory which converts the energy contained in the matter of the food and movement into the energy of the consciousness.
Let me stress that the growth of the consciousness can be correct or wrong. The latter happens when the consciousness grows in coarse spatial dimensions. And this process depends on our understanding of the principles and goals of our lives, on the level of cleanness from vices, on the manner of communication with other people, on the adequacy of the methods of spiritual work that we use, and even on what we eat.
Yeshua said: “Truly, I say to you, unless you are born in the Spirit’s element, you cannot enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born in the Spirit is Spirit.”.
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