
21 Haziran 2020 Pazar


"When you have done what I have done, only then can you understand what I understand . Guard the mysteries for me, and the sons of my house."

"And the disciples came and said to Him, Why do You speak to them in parables? He answered and said to them, Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, but to them it has not been given" (Matt 13:10-11 NKJ).

Without the transformation of the lower nature that is essential to the mystical path of TheWay, that the believers will look upon the Mysteries of the Kingdom as "foolishness". Which means that even in my attempt to explain the mass confusion with respect to those who attempt to understand TheWay without having brought about the necessary spiritual transformation of the lower nature, the very words that I express will be rejected and seen as "foolishness".

So long as a man remains carnal and earthly in his thinking and lifestyle, then we can begin to appreciate why all genuine spiritual wisdom was concealed within allegorical religious texts, in order to conceal the sacred knowledge from both the multitude of people who could not use it, and their leaders who would destroy it. The historical account of mankind demonstrates the perpetual struggle between the vision of the Gnostic who makes claim to spiritual insights that the common believers who have traditionally called themselves Orthodox, are blind to. And the fact that only now, in our present time, has modern science been able to shed light on the controversy, is of a primary importance to those seekers of Truth.

Perhaps the greatest folly of both the Atheist and the scholarly critic, is seen in their blind dismissal of the words of Yeshua when He commanded not to give what is holy to dogs, nor cast pearls before swine. And that dogs and swine are representative of a type of people, is a reality that is of the utmost importance.

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