
29 Haziran 2020 Pazartesi


We have to try to become “perfect as (our) Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matt 5:48) and merge into Him as soon as possible: He calls us into His Embrace, to the supreme bliss of being in Him, in Mergence with Him.
“Blessed are you who have known temptations and flee from them! Blessed are you who are reviled and not esteemed on account of the love your Lord has for you! Blessed are you who weep and are oppressed by those without hope (for salvation), for you will be released from every bondage! Watch and pray that you do not come to be in the flesh (again), but rather that you come forth from the bondage of bitterness of this (earthly) life. … (And) when you come forth from the sufferings and passions of the body, you will receive rest…, and you will reign with the King, you joined with Him and He with you, from now on, for ever and ever! Amen.” (The Book of Thomas the Contender, 145)

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