
29 Haziran 2020 Pazartesi


There Is More to Life Than We Can Perceive. 
Spiritual truth is eternal and universal: no particular religion or sect can have a monopoly on it. So, never get bigotted on one religion or other. Yeshua did not bring a new religion. He remind you the universal truth which is unity and the way to achiving it which is love.

Spiritual life is not a haphazard affair: it is the most serious task that we shall ever face. And it is absolutely impossible to do so without living an ethical, moral life. It simply does not work. The unconscious ego wants to believe it can know all things, but it can't. The universe is vast. Our senses and our brains are limited. Consider that there is a huge spectrum of light, and we can only see a very, very small fraction of it. This is just one of many things going on in the universe around us all the time that is completely invisible to us. And while we human beings are quite clever in finding some of this stuff, the greater truth is that we will never be able to know it all. In this truth, we find ourselves deeply humbled.

That humility leads to many things. We understand that we don't know how life "should" work out. We don't really know what the "right" thing for others to do is. There are so many ways that things move and change in life around us that we can only do our own best to be honest and kind, and then we have to let go and let the universe do its thing. It's going to do its thing anyway.

How You Can Live this Truth:

Don't assume you know everything or what is right for others.

Practice listening to others with humility and openness to learn more. 

Stay engaged with life to find what feels true to do or not do in any given moment; just because a moment seems similar to a past moment doesn't mean that it is the same.

Do not harm anybody and anything.

Enjoy the mysteriousness of life.

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