
10 Ağustos 2020 Pazartesi


The advocate, The Helper is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reminds us also of the words of Yeshua. Yeshua is also an important part of the Holy Spirit. 

The Holy Spirit who will be with us forever, who teaches us everything we need to know by influencing our minds and hearts; who reminds us of the words of Yeshua, who testifies to us about the reality of Yeshua; who helps us testify about Yeshua to the world.

"He will remind you of everything I have said to you." Yeshua.

The Spirit reminded the apostles about the words of Yeshua, so that the words of Yeshua were accurately transmitted to us in their writings. We can trust that the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the faithful and true teachings of the Son of God. And the Spirit reminds us of the words of Yeshua and helps us understand them. He helps the words of Yeshua come alive in us. He helps us apply Yeshua’s teachings to our lives.

It’s hard for the Holy Spirit to remind us of everything that Yeshua has said to us, and help His words come alive so that they can be applied to our lives if we aren’t familiar with the teachings of Yeshua. That means that we need to be reading the teachings of Yeshua until we are very familiar them. We need to read and study the books written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John until we are familiar with them, so that the Holy Spirit will be able to remind us of them and help us apply them to our lives.

How wonderful, this reminding ministry of the Holy Spirit about the words of Yeshua to us!

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