
4 Ağustos 2020 Salı


It was Easter time. Yeshua had gone to buy a sheep. There happened a big argument. In fact everybody (including Romans) knew who He was. The Man who heels miraculously with His hands. They knew this and because of that reason they wanted to kill Him. That man was a treat for their tyrany. Their rulership were based on fear and slavery, whereas, this man was talking about love and brothership. And, with the heeling power He achives and the eye-opening words He says, He was about to realize this goal. He was to bring the light out on this dark ages.  The people had already started to call Him the King although he had refused it. He had decleared that His kingdom was not on this Earth. But, still, He was a real treat for the exploiters. Their hearts were full of hatred.

He was arrested and was sweared at, and, tormentingly accused of blasphemy. Following this fake accusational trial He was handed over to Romans and there He was severly tortured by means of hitting and whipping. Nobody could live after so much loss of blood but, He did.

They forced Him to carry His cross by Himself and put a crown made of thorny brunches on His head. He was forced to walk till Golgota in this situation.

What was the reson for such torture and hate?  What had this man done so evil?  So evil even worse than the murderers?

Nothing. He had come as the love of God and show them the love and the goodness. He had heeled. His words were uprising the consciousnesses of the people most of them were illiterate. But the ruler's power and their possessions are at stake. This man had to die.

On the Golgota rocks they tied His wrists to the cross with thick ropes. But that was not enough although these ropes were tied around His wrists and the cross were strong enough to carry His body weight, they nailed Him with forged black square shaped nails in His Holy palms to the cross.  

What for? To destroy His Holy Hands. With this hands He was delivering remedy. So, these Holy Hands had to be destroyed. But they didn't succeed. God neither allow Yeshua to feel any pain nor die on the cross. God had given Him the authority to heel. Who on earth could possibly take this authority away from Yeshua! They could not destroy anything except their own souls. They hadn't been able to kill Him either. God hadn't let this happen.

Eventually at the 6th hour on cross Yeshua fainted and fell into a deep coma state. He was not dead and was not in His body either. He was watching all these happenings from outside His body by means of astral realms. But His lifeband had not been broken off yet. They thought he was dead, and, let the people take His body and put in the cave grave. He was put in there and the cave was closed with a big round rock sealed. There God healed Yeshua and let Him out of the cave on the third day.

Yeshua, although he had been tortured severly and tried to be killed, only had said for them: ''Father forgive them. They don't know what they are doing.''  But the evil rabbies were saying among themselves: ''We sacrificied Him also for the Easter.'' And the crowd were angry with Yeshua because He was fed up with their demands for healing without trying to understand His words and thus rejected them from time to time. They were grouching: Why He has rejected us? Why He is not heeling our sicks? and as such. The healing procedure was for the sake of focusing their interests on to the Godly words but, for them it was just a show...

Alpaslan Kuzucan, brother of Yeshua Messiah.

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