
22 Ağustos 2020 Cumartesi


What Yeshua taught was simply – align to that Divine essence inside of you, take it out into the world and live it in everyday life, and by that you save yourself and offer yourself by reflection to others to follow your example without any expectations.

The esoteric community of His time and many since were so identified with what we have got to do and be – to do all of these arduous tasks and to work at it with discipline; to live in a prescribed certain way and to remove ourselves from humanity – but he exposed the illusion of all of that and showed all how simple it could be.

All that matters is the love and the connection you hold in your inner heart and your openness to sharing that without any expectations of others. This understanding was a game-changer in the unfolding of the Ageless Wisdom and the Divine Plan for humanity, and it was Yeshua who was the focaliser of the delivery of this new direction of the Plan.

But the Spiritualists prior to Yeshua had not been in any way unique or negligent. Up until the time of Yeshua, the Path of Initiation had been different: people willing to reconnect with their Soul needed to retreat to some extent from humanity and strike out on a highly disciplined way of life, away from the apparent snares and desires of temporal life.

Yeshua taught humanity to make it one world, to see that there is just one life. The new Plan was not about separatism and religious elites, those supposedly closer to Divinity; rather we evolve as one world, one humanity. It was all so simple: it was just about life, True love and the True family of universal brotherhood. Before Him people were searching for the transcendency, the illusion that salvation is an ultimate form of bliss, an escape from life and the duties.

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