
19 Ağustos 2020 Çarşamba


God examines the heart of a man, not simply his outward appearance and what he appears to be (1 LOVE and INNOCENCE will take us into the TIMELESS KINGDOM of GOD.

Just as there are many diseases and disorders that can affect the physical heart, there are many ailments of the spiritual heart that can impair growth and development as a believer. Atherosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries due to accumulated cholesterol plaques and scarring in the artery walls. Hardening of the spiritual heart can also occur. Hardening of the heart occurs when we are presented with God’s truth, and we refuse to acknowledge and live accordingly.

It is never safe to trust the guidance of life to tastes, inclinations, or to anything but clear reason, set in motion by calm will, and acting under the approbation of the Chief Justice, Conscience.

The power and the habit of sternly saying "No" to the whole crowd of tempters is always the main secret of a noble life. 

"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down and without walls."

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