
22 Ağustos 2020 Cumartesi


Yeshua did go through a period of training among with other teachers, but for him there was very little identification with being a ‘somebody’ or with his role in the Plan. Part of the reason he was such a committed initiate and servant of God is that he was very settled with being a ‘nobody’. For many people, power is a big issue: to think or feel you have power, you have to be in a position of authority, you have to be high up somewhere, and that was so rife in humanity at the time. You had to be a ‘someone’ to have any power at all; you could not be a simple person and have equal power. What Yeshua brought has allowed so many people to initiate of their own accord, to rediscover and come into their own power, and this has led humanity to a different place, so everyone is now a potential messiah, a deliverer by example of their livingness from the snares of the temporal world and its illusions. This is because of what He brought.

The lie was to make it all about Yeshua, making him the only Son of God, and this was evil’s aim, first through Paul of Tarsus, who effectively brought through an entirely twisted version of Yeshua’s life and work, and later through the bishops and popes of the church, who introduced the abstruse and obfuscatory theological doctrines which have defined Christianity and continue to do so today.

Yeshua uniquely had a state of purity, being born without sin. But this quality is a attainable quality. To say that it is unattainable for people and that no one has or could ever achieve it means this doctrine is used as a cover to justify the creation of a whole super-stratum of people – popes, bishops, priests, etc. – who were deemed somehow closer to this assumed state of grace and could act as intermediaries for the rest of us, the fallen sinners who are redeemed by their actions continually cleansing our recurring sins. This is nothing but a total fallacy and simply a tyrannical means of wielding power and domination over people to extract wealth and demand prestige.

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