
1 Ağustos 2020 Cumartesi


Evil thrives when the good are divided. This has made some of the most evil people in the world, from Hitler to Stalin to Osama bin Laden, so wildly successful. They’ve taken the petty differences between people and used it to sow larger and larger rifts that end up in disaster. Often, they use bigotry, homophobia, sexism, racism, and fascism, in general, to keep good people apart, and to breed more evil people in the world.

We won’t mince words here: White supremacists are evil. Racists are evil. Homophobes and transphobes are evil. And bigots, while not every time, are evil quite often. Be conscious of these types of people. Some are only mislead, but many are outright malevolent.

Evil people are just as capable of showing kindness as any malevolent behavior, but what truly sets them apart is the price that comes with their kindness. Often times, evil people will be kind to you only to get something they need from you later, be it money, sex, subservience, or worse. Make it clear if they try to manipulate you based on their past kindness that kindness doesn’t come with a price tag.

You don’t need any motivation or incentivization to do the right thing and to be kind to one another. Truly kind people are kind without the expectation of getting anything in return.

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