
9 Ocak 2022 Pazar



Yeshua was not a rabbi. Yeshua took Maria Magdelena under His marriage certificate for the sole purpose of protecting her life. They never had sexual intercourse nor stay under the same roof. 

Yeshua told me that : I shouldn't have  taken her under my name through marrige. I admit I must have had weakness for her. But we had never been together as husband and wife. God wouldn't have allowed that. But, because we had been officially married I had to pay for her penalties here as well. This is valid for every marrige. Men take the responsibly of their wives.

Yeshua said that He had never been to France or to Tibet. He was a Divine Soul among us to show us the straighest and the most illimunated way to Divineness. 

Yeshua said that His body was not left on Earth.


Yeshua said that this is not true. There is not such a thing that His disciples had spoken with different tongues.

The message will reach to everybody. That was what had been meant at that time and today His words regarding Love and Truth have been translated to almost all languages(tongues).

Never leave the logical and rational understanding.


I didn't come to found the Christianism. Chiristianity has nothing to do with me. I had no intention to found a religion.  They are using my name. I didn't like the Jewish religion either. I tried to teach love and compassion to people. I tried to teach them not to talk too much. But they did not want it. All the organized religions are politics, they were politics then in order to herd crowds.


Animals have souls, but not a spirit. Man's spirit returns to God upon death. “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Animals have a mind to think, and a heart to feel and a will to decide; but animals do not have a spirit to discern spiritual matters. This is why humans have an inherent need for God. It is the spirit of man that makes humans totally different and unique from animals.


Many will be purified, cleansed, and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means. 

God is concerned about your eternal spiritual well-being than anything else in your life.  God has plans for you in eternity that requires you to be spiritually mature, and spiritual maturity only comes through trials - through testings - through hardships.  For those who truly belong to Yeshua Messiah ... they are going to be granted the highest privilege God could give them.  They will ultimately rule and reign with Him for all eternity.


Many times, when you have done evil, you have thought to charge up your acts to the influence of the evil one when in reality you have but been led astray by your own natural tendencies. Human hearth is inclined to evil, although not sinful but sometimes even desperately wicked? How easy for you to become self-deceived and thereby fall into foolish fears, divers lusts, enslaving pleasures, malice, envy, and even vengeful hatred!

Salvation is by the regeneration of the spirit and not by the self-righteous deeds of the flesh. You are justified by faith and fellowshipped by grace, not by fear and the self-denial of the flesh, albeit the Father's children who have been born of the spirit are ever and always masters of the self and all that  pertains to the desires of the flesh. And all who follow in the way of this heavenly peace are destined to be sanctified to the eternal service of the ever-advancing sons of the eternal Father, The Almighty God. Henceforth, it is not a duty but rather your exalted privilege to cleanse yourselves from all evils of mind and body while you seek for perfection in love of God. 

Your sonship is grounded in faith, and you are to remain unmoved by fear. Your joy is born of trust in the divine, and you shall not therefore be led to doubt the reality of the Father's love and mercy. It is the very goodness of God that leads men into true and genuine repentance. Your secret of mastery of self is bound up with your faith in the indwelling spirit, which ever works by love. Even the saving faith is also the gift of God, and you are children of this living faith, you are no longer the bondslaves of self but rather the triumphant masters of yourselves, the liberated sons of God. You have born of spirit. You are forever delivered from the self-conscious bondage over the desires of the flesh. You start spontaneously show forth the fruits of the spirit in your daily lives. This is the highest mortal attainment.


We have to rise our understanding regarding God and realize that with rewards and punishment there can be no sincere faith but, only fake faith by fear and inducement.

We are in relation with God as 'take and give'. God sends us the purest energies all the time however, as our hearts and minds are not empty, full of worldly lusts, we cannot take the energies fully He gives us free all the time. Our duty is to take this energy and reflect it around us. But, alas.

The Almighty, Omnipotent and Omnipresent isn't a mighty superior human looking god, sitting on a throne above us in the sky. Rather, we can think of God allegorically as an eternal magnetic field pulling the goods to Himself and pushing bads away from Himself.

 He invite us to live with Him. He is not the God of deads but God of living. So be of the living. The pioneer will be last and the last will be pioneer. Think of that.


I am holding the key of love, my brother. You know that God is love. So, how can they enter the Kingdom of God before reaching to full love in their hearts. That's why I have said that I was the path. I represent the love God created. I am illuminating that path that's why I have said that I was the light. And that path leads all to the Kingdom. To The Eternal Life. So, that's why I have said I was the life. That's why I have said that I came to World so that you could have life in abundance.



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