
7 Haziran 2020 Pazar


To use God's name for war, conquest and domination is an abomination. It is a crime against God. Any scripture that promotes this is inauthentic. Any teaching that promotes this in the name of God is inauthentic and incorrect. Any declaration, even from one of the Messengers, to promote this in the name of God and religion represents, if not stray, an error and a misunderstanding.

Think not that the Messengers were without error, for they all made mistakes along the way and had to be corrected. Except one, Yeshua. He was already an important part of the Holy Spirit. 

To condemn people to Hell because they do not follow your belief, ideology is an error and a crime against God. To denounce people because they are unbelievers represents a misunderstanding.

It is human arrogance, human unforgiveness, human aggression, human stupidity and ignorance that give rise to the abuses of religion.

You cannot punish, torture or kill in the name of God. Therefore, there is no holy war. There is no holy warrior. You go to war for other reasons—for power, for domination, for resources, for control, for revenge. It has nothing to do with God.

It is time to outgrow creation stories and the end of the world ideas, for reality exists so far beyond these things. It is time now to look to the heavens, to contemplate the great expanse of the universe and to reconsider your fundamental beliefs and ideas, if they have been formulated at all.

Human spirituality has been limited to this world and to local regions within this world, and to the history of those regions and those races and those peoples. But Greater Community Spirituality is a spirituality of the entire universe. God is the God of the entire universe—a God of countless races quite unlike you, a universe that represents practical, physical and spiritual evolution in every conceivable stage. That is what you will be facing in the future. And that is why you cannot be a primitive people with primitive ideas. You too must grow and expand because life is requiring this of you now.You may pray to God. You may fall down on your knees and prostrate yourself in the temple or the mosque or the church. But until you begin to carry out God’s Work that is meant for you to carry out, you will not understand the real nature of your spiritual reality.

This goes far beyond people’s notions of Heaven and Hell, far beyond ancient teachings constructed for primitive peoples, far beyond what humanity can understand intellectually at this point.

To start with learn love, compassion, moderation, tolerance, forgiveness, humility,  kindness and service.

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