
31 Mayıs 2017 Çarşamba


Tanrı mutlak hakim olarak her şeyi bilir ama bizim özgür irademiz var ve bu özgürlük göstermelik değil. Gerçek.

Bu gizem nasıl anlaşılmalıdır?

Tanrı bize özgür iradeyi Onunla birlikte olmayı seçmemiz için verdi. Başka gerçek yok. Ondan ayrılmak yok olmaktır. Burada seçim bize ait. Var olmakla yok olmak arasında seçim yapmak konusunda Tanrı bizi mecbur etmiyor. Zorlamıyor. Bu da gösteriyor ki gerçek tektir. Var olmak için özgür iradesini gerçekten yana kullananlara ne Tanrı zamanın dışında sonsuzluğun sahibi olarak kendi hükmüyle verdiği özgürlüğün nasıl kullanılacağını da gizemli bir şekilde biliyor. Ruhlar ilk yaratıldıkları anda renklerini belli ediyorlar. Dünyasal mantık bu konuda yetersizdir.

İnsanlar düşündüklerini sanırken aslında ön yargılarını düzenleyip yeniden değerlendirme yaparlar. Ön yargılardan bağımsız olarak fiili gerçekler üzerinde düşünebilirlerse o zaman o gerçekten düşünce olur. Elbette Tanrısal düşünceyi bu şekilde düşüne bilenlerde anlayamaz. Şöyle düşünün, Tanrı ile ilgili bir konuda belirleme yapılamaz. Belirme bir yerde sınırların çizilmesidir ve Tanrı sınırlandırılamaz.

28 Mayıs 2017 Pazar


Genesis 1:27 says God made them “male and female.” No matter how hard some people try, they can’t wish away this fundamental physical reality—and that’s a good thing.



Yeshua had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth.

The "A.C.T.S." of prayer:

We commonly divide prayer up into and acronym = "A.C.T.S."

A = adoration (praise)

C = confession

T = thankgiving

S = supplication (asking)

It is clear that the pattern of making requests "S." appears to be universally directed towards the Father. But also we can call Yeshua for help.


Wisdom enables us to understand reality.  Through wisdom we have discovered a set of scientific laws that elegantly express reality in the language of mathematics. Whenever man learns the logic of the universe, man is (in essence) "thinking God's thoughts after Him." A correct "understanding" of understanding, therefore, is that we humans discover (and implement) wisdom; we do not invent it.

In particular, the cause of our universe coming into being, and of its continuing to operate as it does, is a dynamic display of the Creator's wisdom, some of which we can scientifically discover and understand.  When we do, it is like walking in the footprints of someone who previously walked through a snowdrift.

When this universal law is traced backwards, one is faced again with the possibility that there is an ongoing chain of ever-decreasing effects, resulting from an infinite chain of nonprimary ever-increasing causes. However, what appears more probable is the existence of an uncaused Source, an omnipotent, omniscient, eternal, and Primary, First Cause.


Yeshua went out into God's Creation (nature) to hear from God, to pray, to be refreshed and recharged for ministry. Shouldn't we be doing the same?

God has called us to be constantly fanning the spiritual flames inside us, and it is up to us to train ourselves to make the Spiritual Disciplines part of our routine, or lifestyle.

Compassion not compulsion should to be the rule of faith that governs our decisions and actions.

Behold your God and give Him the adoration He deserves, the attention He desires, and the allegiance He demands. That ought to be the motive for all of our actions as believers.

Truth and Spirit cannot be separated. The believers' true worship of the Lord God Almighty is more than mere obligation. True worship of our Lord God Almighty is witnessed in our shining and thankful lives.

Be careful that we do not forsake the pure source of life for something strange. There's a world of difference between the fountain of life and a muddy puddle.

27 Mayıs 2017 Cumartesi


Bizler Tanrıdan gelmedik. Biz Tanrıylayız. Ruhlarımızı en saf şekilde Ondan aldık ve yine en saf haliyle Ona teslim etmeliyiz. Ruh Tanrının nefesidir ve bir sonraki nefeslerimiz Onun lütfu ile olur. Nefes enerjidir. O halde dünya yaşamımız her an bitecek gibi ruhlarımızı (yaşam enerjilerimizi) aldığımız en saf haliyle muhafaza edelim.


Her şey enerjidir. Maddi alemde ve öte alemde her şey enerjidir. 

Maddi dünya sınav yeridir. Bu nedenle özgür irade ve bunu yönlendirebilmesi içinde kişiye akıl verilir. Ruhsal hafıza yani öte tarafa ait hafıza kapatılır. Duygular verilir ki bu duygular kişiye yönlendirici ivme sağlasın ancak akıl ile de bu ivmeler doğruya yönlendirilsin. Olumsuz duygular kontrol edilsin. Bedenli iken tutkularımızdan tamamen kurtulmak mümkün değildir. Ancak onları yönlendirebiliriz.  Bizden istenen ve beklenende budur.  Doğru tepkileri vermek. Doğru davranışlara bunu yaparız. Olumsuz duygularımızı kontrol altında tutarak, sevgiyle ve inançla sakin ve sabırlı olarak bunu tüm yaşamımız boyunca başarmak zorundayız. Kişinin doğacağı yer, aile, kültür ve genleri kaderidir.

Öte alemde bedensel duygular yoktur. Özgür irade yoktur ve bunun neticesi olarak gereği olmadığı için akılda yoktur. Arınmış ruhlar kendiliğinden bilirler. Diğer seviyede ki ruhlar eğitime alınır. Kişi bu maddi dünyada ne ekmişse orada onun devamını yaşar. Dünyasal takıntılar devam eder. Tamamen arınan ruhlar artık tüm dünyasal tutkularından ve takıntılarından arınmış dır. Orada ebedi yaşama kavuşurlar. Arınamamış, dünyada iken gerçeğe ulaşamamış ruhlar ise orada enerjilerin durumuna göre ya bütünlüğü muhafaza edilir ya bölünüp dağıtılır ya da çok kötü ruhlar topraktan çıkamaz ve orada yok olur gider. Enerji Kaynağı Tanrıdır. Yani tüm yaşam enerjisi Tanrının enerjisidir. Tanrı kötüye kullanılmış enerjileri kabul etmez. Onları tabiat güçlerine karıştırır. Saflaşmış ruhların bir görevi de bu kirletilmiş enerjileri kendilerine çekerek arındırmak ve Tanrıya temiz olarak sunmaktır.

Sonsuz şekilde Dünyada yeniden doğmak yoktur. Bu kısır bir döngü olurdu. Sonsuz yaşam kazanılmış bir hak değil hak edilmesi gereken bir hedeftir. Bu manada da insanların uyanmak demek olan kıyam etmek, kalkmak kelimesini dünyanın sonu gibi anlaması çok büyük bir yanlış yorumdur.


Zihinsel olarak kuvvetli insanlar yaşamlarında her şeye takılıp gereksiz zaman harcamazlar. Enerjilerini ziyan etmezler.  Geçmişlerinin tüm sorumluluğunu üstlenirler ancak aynı hataları tekrarlamazlar.  Mücadelecidirler ancak hemen sonuç beklemezler. Mutlu olmak onların düsturudur ve kibardırlar. Yaşamlarını kontrol edemeyeceği risklere atmazlar. Temkinlidirler. Dolduruşa getirilmezler. Üretkendirler. Çevrelerine katkıda bulunurlar. Duygularını kabul etmekle beraber onların esiri olmazlar.

Asla ideoloji ya da inançlar üzerine fikirlere bağlanıp zihinlerini kapatmazlar. Düşmanlık beslemezler. Farklılıklara tolerans gösterirler. Partizan ya da fanatik olmazlar. Dogmalara saplanmazlar. Bu sebeple insanlara düşman gözüyle bakmazlar. Dogmaların altında yatan cehaletin farkındadırlar.

İnançları uğruna ölmek ya da öldürmenin Tanrıyı inkar etmek olduğunu bilirler. Tanrının verdiği canı almanın Tanrının nefret ettiği bir şey olduğunu bilirler. Bu tür davranışların toplumları etkileyen zihinsel hastalık olduğunu kabul derler. Esasen düşmanlık temelinde oluşan inançlarının sonunda kendileri gibi düşünmeyen ve davranmayan sözde Tanrı düşmanlarını öldürme güdüsüne döneceğini bilirler.

Gerçek Tanrı inancına aydınlanmış zihinler bunların yanlış olduğunu, neyin ne olduğunun bilinmediği ilkel çağ insanlarının olayları ve yüksek ruhlarla verilmiş mesajların nasıl kendilerine göre şekillendirmiş olduklarının bilincindedirler. Bu sebeple ne dinsel nede ideolojik dogmalarla tahrip edici davranışlara yönelmezler. Esasen Tanrı bilinçlerimizin yükselmesini ve zihinlerimizin gerçekle aydınlanmasını bekler. Kalplerin katılaşmasını, zihinlerimizin donup kapanmasını ve acımasız katillere dönmemizi değil.

Gerçeğe uyanmış insanlar şefkatli olurlar. Hoşgörülü ve anlayışlı olurlar. Onlar dinlerin ve ideolojilerin ötesindeki büyük inancı görürler.


Bir hayvanı Yaratana kurban olarak sunmak, bu en alt tekamül seviyesindeki insanların yaptığı bir şeydir. Bu insanlar kendilerini hayvanla bir yapmışlardır. Hayvan sunumdan evvel canlı iken sunumunda ölü olur. Tıpkı kendilerini sunanlar gibi.

Yüksek bilinç seviyesindeki varlıklar bunu yapmazlar. Onlar kendi dünyasal tutkularını öldürerek, dünyevi arzulardan arınmış diri ruhlarını Yaratana sunarlar. Bu ebedi yaşamı hak etmek içindir.

Bu dünya geçici bir sınav alanıdır. Burada ölümün hükmü geçerlidir. Doğan herşey ölür ancak sonsuz yaşamda yaşam hüküm sürer. Ölüm yoktur. Bu dünya için değil sonsuz yaşam için yatırım yapın. Aklı olan bu gerçeğe bir an evvel uyansın.

Hüküm Tanrınındır.

26 Mayıs 2017 Cuma


Dinler, hükumetler tarafından kullanılır. İktidar ve güç arayışı içinde olan şahıslarca kullanılır. Egemen olmak ve kalabalıkları bastırmak için kullanılır. Tüm tarih boyunca  bir savaş afişi ve bir boyun eğdirme sembolü olarak kullanılmıştır. Yani dinler politikadır. İsimleri kullanılan yüksek ruhların verdikleri mesajlarla bunların arasında hiçbir bağ yoktur.

İnsanlar Tanrıyı kendi olmasını istedikleri şey olarak zihinlerinde kurarlar, inandıkları şey olsun isterler. Kendileri gibi bir Tanrı. Tüm insani hislere sahip ama süper güç sahibi trajik bir tanrı...

Gerçek ise farklıdır. Tanrı sabırlıdır öyleyse bizde sabırlı olmayı öğrenmeliyiz. Tanrı hoşgörülüdür öyleyse bizde hoşgörülü olmayı öğrenmeliyiz. Tanrı sevgidir öyleyse bizde birbirimizi sevmeyi öğrenmeliyiz. Tanrı tüm varlığın kaynağıdır. O zaman bizde tüm varlığa saygı göstermeli ve onların değerlerini ve yaşama olan katkılarını öğrenmeliyiz.



Cain was the son of Adam and Eve. He killed his brother Abel and was consequently punished.

Nero was emperor of Rome from AD54 to AD68. He is famous for his tyranny, extravagance and immorality. .

Judas was one of the disciples of Jesus. He betrayed Yeshua.

Legion was the name an insane man that Yeshua healed had given himself. Legion means “many” and the man thought he was inhabited by many demons.

Belial means “worthless”. There was an ancient Jewish myth about a demon called Belial.

Lucifer is a Latin word meaning “morning star” or Venus. The king of Babylon is described as the morning star. The KJV translates this as Lucifer, which has misled many people into thinking the passage is referring to a supernatural force of evil.

25 Mayıs 2017 Perşembe


Think of your identity as a program load to a computer. If any kind of virus enters in it and it starts to malfunction, it will be erased from the computer. That is your soul. The awareness of yourselves.

We must gain the light which is Spirit. The truth.



Love each other.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.

You know the way to the place where I am going.

Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"

Yeshua answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.



Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.

You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.

He cuts off every branch that does not produce fruit in me, and he cuts back every branch that does produce fruit, so that it might produce more fruit. 

Remain in Me, and I will remain in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.



No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.

You did not choose Me, but I chose you. I appointed you that you should go out and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.

If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

Anyone who hates me also hates my Father. If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my Father.

This fulfills what is written in their Scriptures: 'They hated me without cause.'


23 Mayıs 2017 Salı


It was Easter time. Yeshua had gone to buy a sheep. There happened a big argument. In fact everybody (including Romans) knew who He was. The Man who heels miraculously with His hands. They knew this and because of that reason they wanted to kill Him. Because that man was a treat for their tyrany. Their rulership were based on fear and slavery, whereas, this man was talking about love and brothership. And, with the heeling power He achives and the eye-opening words, He was about to realize this. He was to bring the light out. The people had already started to call Him the King although He had refused it. He had decleared that His kingdom was not on this Earth. But, still He was a real treat for the exploiters. Their hearts were full of hatred.

He was arrested and was sweared at, and, tormentingly accused of blasphemy. Following this fake accusational trial He was handed over to Romans and there He was severly tortured by means of whipping. No body can live after so much loss of blood but, He did.

They forced Him to carry His cross by Himself and put a crown made of thorny brunches on His head. He was forced to walk till Golgota's top in this stiation.

What was the reson for such torture and hate?

What had this man done so evil?

So evil even worse than the murderers?

Nothing. He had come as the love of God and show us the love and the goodness. He had heeled. His words were uprising the consciousness of the people most of them were illiterate. But the rulers power and their possessions are in stake. This man had to die.

On the Golgota rocks they tied His wrists to the cross with thick ropes. But that was not enough although these ropes tight around His wrists and the cross were strong enough to carry His body weight, they nailed Him with forged black square shaped nails from His Holy palms to the cross.

What for?

To destroy His Holy Hands. With this hands He was delivering remedy. So, these Holy Hands had to be destroyed.

But they didn't succeed. God neither allow Yeshua to feel any pain nor die on the cross. God had given Him the authority to heel. Who on earth could possibly take this authority away from Yeshua. They could not destroy enything except their souls.

They hadn't been able to kill Him. God hadn't let this happen.

Eventually at the 6th hour on cross Yeshua fainted and fell into a coma state. He was not dead and was not in His body either. He was watching all these happenings from outside His body by means of astral realms. But His lifeband had not been broken off yet. They thought He was dead, and, let the people take His body and put in the cave grave. He was put there and cave was closed with a big round rock. God healed Yeshua there and let Him out of the cave on the third day.

Yeshua, although He had been tortured severly and tried to be killed, only said for them: ''Father forgive them. They don't know what they are doing.''

And the evil rabbies were saying among them: ''We sacrificied Him also for the Easter.''



Today many people cannot find a lasting heart connection to the real Yeshua and his teachings because, according to most so called religious authorities, Yeshua no longer talks to us. In reality, Yeshua is a spiritual being and he is working to help all people who are able to raise their consciousness and attune to his Presence. He is not dead. He is alive.

For the past 2,000 years He has maintained a line of communication through those who have been willing to serve as messengers for His Living Word and who have pursued an understanding of His true message instead of settling for fake official religious doctrines which disturb Him continiously.

Once you admit that mainstream religious traditions have not answered your questions about life, you are very close in getting contact with the divine truth.

If you use a perverted version of Yesua's teachings as a justification for closing your mind to His real teachings, you are not one of His modern-day disciples.

These are some of the the messages I have received directly from Him in my lucid dreams.


20 Mayıs 2017 Cumartesi


Paskalya zamanıydı. Yeşua havarileri ile bir koyun almaya gitmişti. Orada bir münakaşa başladı. Aslında herkes (Romalılar dahil) onun kim olduğunu biliyorlardı. Onu tanıyorlardı. Elleri ile mucizevi şifalar veren bu adamı biliyor ve onu yok etmek istiyorlardı. Çünkü bu iyilik dağıtan adam kendi egemenlikleri için bir tehditti. Korku üzerine kurulu köle efendi ilişkisini sevgi üzerine kurulu bir kardeşlik ilişkisine çevirmek istiyordu ve bunu da sahip olduğu eşsiz şifa gücüyle ve aydınlık sözleriyle başarmak üzereydi. Derhal bir sebep bulunup ortadan kaldırılmalıydı.

Tutuklandı, hahamların göstermelik yargılamaları hakaret ve eziyet doluydu. Sonra Romalıların kırbaçlayarak yaptıkları saatler süren işkence. Dayanılır gibi değildi. Normal bir insan bedeni bu kadar kan kaybını kaldıramazdı. O dayandı.

Golgataya giden o eziyet yolunda haçını da kendine taşıttılar. Başına da dikenli bir daldan yapılmış bir taç takmışlardı. Neydi bu nefretin sebebi? Ne yapmıştı bu insan? Şifa dağıtmıştı. Birbirinizi sevin demişti. Ama, hayır bunlar değildi elbet. Halk onu çok sevmişti. Onu kral yapmak istemişti. Gerçi O bunu "Benim krallığım yeryüzünde değil" diyerek ret etmişti ama buna kim inanır. Kalpler kin ve fesatla örtülüydü.

Golgota da diğerleri gibi Onu da bileklerinden haça bağladılar ama hayır, bu yetmezdi, ilaveten köşeli dövme çivilerle avuç içlerinden haça çaktılar. Acı çeksin diye mi? Evet, ama esasında onlar Onun ellerini tahrip etmek istediler. Çünkü o kutsal eller şifa dağıtıyordu. Ve, Onu o kutsal ellerinden, avuç içlerinden bağlara ilaveten haça çaktılar. Esasen Yeşua' nın bedenini halatlarla haça bağlı bilekleri taşıyordu. Avuçları değil.

O şifa veren kutsal eller tahrip edilmeliydi ama başaramadılar. Yeşua hala o ellerle ruhsal alemlerden şifa dağıtmaktadır. Bu yetki ona Tanrı tarafında verilmişti. Bunu tahrip etmek kimin haddine düşer! Eziyet etme istekleride gerçekleşmedi. Yeşua bunların hiçbirini hissetmedi. Tanrı buna izin verir mi sanıyorlardı! Elbette vermeyecekti ve vermedi.

Yeşua nihayet haç üzerindeyken 6. saatte komaya girdi ve bayıldı. Öldüğünü sanıp onu mağaraya koydular. Aslında Yeşua'nın ruhu bedeninden çıkmış ve tüm bunları astral alemden görüyordu. Ama yaşam kordonu kopmamış ölüm gerçekleşmemişti. Onu öldüreme mişlerdi. Tanrı buna izin vermedi ve sonra Yüce Tanrı onu iyileştirdi ve mağaradan çıkardı...


Ne yaptıklarını bilmeyen bedbahtlar ise şöyle dediler: ''Paskalyaya Onuda kurban ettik.''

Not: Yeşua'dan rüyamda aldığım bu bilgilerden esinlenerek yaptığım bir kompozisyondur. Bu bilgileri aldığımda üzüntümden, insanlardaki bu derece ağır kötülükten duyduğum üzüntü ve öfkeyle sinir krizi geçirmiştim.

Alpaslan Kuzucan

19 Mayıs 2017 Cuma


You do not need a religion to reach me. All you need is love. Only with Love in your hearts as little children you can reach me and God. These are the steps of stairs. Love, Me and finally God. With Love in your hearts you can reach me. If you reach me you can reach to God. I couldn't teach that to human beings.

You can directly reach me by love. Declare that to all people. They don't need any mediator.

Love God with all you soul, heart and mind and love people as yourself. All you need is love.



Stay calm, be happy. Do not long for power or personal success. In the eternal life, nobody talks about power or success. Power is necessery to protect yourselves and to do malicious works. Success is personal selὓshness. You do all your best and then leave it to others to evaluate your success. Do not run after personel success, instead, do your best and stay in peace.

To reflect the whole energy coming from God you should stay calm. You must be in peace otherwise the more you are passionate and concerned about earthly matters the less Divine Energy you can reflect.

Love is God's way. Love is not my personal way. God gave me an order to teach you all, what love is. To teach World how can one reach to eternal life. Before me people tried to reach Love but could not. Even after me, even the very close people around me could not understand what love is. Very few people could rise to that consciousness.

God, bless you all. 



God's judgement regarding gender condition is final.
Those who are perverted such as gays, lesbiens, bisexual, transgender, intersex, insest and as such, even those who accept this as normal to be done by some, the ones who makes friendships with those or even feel sympathy, officials who confirm and legalize this perversion by means of confirming their marriage and religious sects who bless them, anyone who feel affinity with them are going to be annihilated by God and they will taste the second death for sure. They shall not inherit the eternal life.

The intercourse between men and women are only for breeding. That is the only purpose, so that human beings can continue to exist on Earth. Pervertions are a rebel against God.



Yeshua said, ''God doesn't like doubt.''

Grow closer to God and your faith in God must be rock solid. GOD doesn't like doubt. Leave dogmas, don't take them as a corner stone for your faith. Forget the man made religious tales of ancient times. Rise your conscious. Go to nature often. You need it because you are created from nature.

Incorporate silence and solitude into your life regularly. Choose a regular time and place to get away from life as usual and spend at least 10 minutes in silence and solitude as often as you can. Ask God to help you express your need for Him through a simple prayer, and choose a physical position that will enable you to stay alert yet worshipful.


Yeshua said us that the path to liberation from suffering is Truth. What many do not realize is that dogmas is not the same as Truth. Dogmas will let you down at some point in your life. Because of dogmas people has started to choose denying God instead of denying dogmas. And, there is nothing left to hold on for kindness.


Do not attempt to validate your righteousness instead pray in humility. Ask for merci. Never judge others.

Be thankful and don't be blind to the sin of ingratitude. Be kind to all.

Kindness should begin with our kin. Ironically and tragically, many people display their most unkind behavior with the ones they should love the most. God is not unaware of this hypocrisy.

And Yeshua emphasized that we must be kind to everyone, not just our family and friends. If we do this, it is said: “Your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Highest. For He is kind to the unthankful and evil”.


Yeshua said, ''The shroud of turin is fake. The real cotton that had been used faded away and dissolved in time. It is now nowhere.''

Yeshua said, ''Physical shapes are not important.'' 

He was not African. But, naturally His skin colour was dark. At the climate of Middle East, if you were walking all the time under that sun for hours, how could you be a white person!

Love without discrimination. 



Yeshua said, ''It is impossible for rich people to enter heaven.''

He said something about a camel getting through the eye of a needle, but it means the same thing. The point is that being rich makes it impossible to get to heaven. It will destroy humans, and it will destroy the rich spiritually.

Yeshua said, "The glories of this realm last only a moment; the glories of the heavenly realm abide forever."

One of the many reasons being rich makes it impossible is that you feel too good about your mind. You think you are smart and can make things happen; the illusion is too strong for rich people to see the truth. It is the same with intellectuals. They are too smart to know that they are ignorant of the things that really matter. If the rich, powerful people do not see the truth, we are all doomed. When you are winning the game, you do not see a reason to change the rules. If it is not broken, why fix it? This makes people very short-sighted. Seeing the truth would result in them giving up their financial wealth, their advantage, and while it is working, there is no way they are going to do that.

As Yeshua said, “That which is hidden from the wise and educated has been revealed unto babes.”

If the truth was not simple, children could not understand it, and Jesus says they can. He also says you have to be like a child to ὓnd heaven. If the truth were something only educated scholars could understand, he would be lying. Only the eggheads of the world would get into heaven. The opposite is true; it is the eggheads that will miss the truth the longest. Information is not wisdom.


There will be no second coming. I have come and gone many times and I still come and go when & where it is necessary. But as Yeshua Messiah I will not come again.

There is no end time as you think. No devil. No armagedon. 

There will be huge natural disasters and the World will change. There will be famine, plaques and floods worldwide. The world population will decrease voliminously. Life styles will change completely.

Do not loose faith. Keep calm till end. You, humans have acceletated this situation by your greed. Do not be afraid of dying. Your feelings are very important at your last hours. This affects your passing procedure to afterlife. Whether you can realize you have died or not soon. Do not loose your faith at the last minutes. That is very important.

I am always with the faithful. 



Revelation to John...Regarding this belief:

He was kept in custody alone in a cell for so long. Usually when humans were forced to live like that they start seeing pseudohallucinations. So, that was the fact also happened to him.

Do not leave thinking rationally and never neglect science. 



The size of everybodies' cups are different. Humans can understand my messages according to the sizes of their cups. Unfortunately, even my disciples, although they lived with me, did not understand my messages. So, you give my message and carry on. Do not look back. Those who have consciousness level high enough will understand according to their plates. Do not struggle to concieve individuals with low conscious. They will not understand and rise their conscious, on the contrary, they will pull you down to their level. Some babies born dead. As such, some souls are also born dead. 




We have to rise our understanding regarding God and realize that with rewards and punishment there can be no sincere faith but, only faith by fear and inducement.

We are in relation with God as 'take and give'. God sends us the purest energies all the time however, as our hearts and minds are not empty, full of worldly lusts, we cannot take it fully. He gives us free all the time. Our duty is to take this energy and reflect it around us.

The Almighty, Omnipotent and Omnipresent isn't a mighty superior human looking god, sitting on a throne above us in the sky. Rather, we can think of God allegorically as an eternal magnetic field pulling the goods to Himself and pushing bads away from Himself.

He invites us to live with Him. He is not the God of deads but God of living. So be of the living. The pioneer will be last and the last will be pioneer. Think of that.



İnsanlar elbette her konuda fikirlerini söylemelidirler ancak aynı şeyi devamlı tekrar etmek bir yerde Tanrıya isyan gibi olur.

It is normal that everybody has their own opinions. They can tell their opinions on every subject but, permanently repeating the same opinion on the same subject is like rebelling to God.



To understand Yeshua you must be free of all sort of fears and lusts. If not, you keep repeating; but, but, but. Yeshua means love above all, unconditionally. There is no room for 'buts'.

I am holding the key of love, my brother. You know that God is love. So, how can they enter the Kingdom of God before reaching to full love in their hearts. That's why I have said that I was the path. I represent the love God created. I am illuminating that path that's why I have said that I was the light. And that path leads all to the Kingdom. To the Eternal Life. So, that's why I have said I was the life. That's why I have said that I came to World so that you could have life in abundance.



The core of Yeshua's message...

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”. Matthew 6:33

“I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent”.

Luke 4:43

Yeshua’s words are clear. The Kingdom of God (Eternal life) is to be the No. 1 focus and emphasis in the lives of His followers. This must be preached.


Tanrı temizliğin, iyiliğin kaynağıdır. Oradan kirli su içilmez ama sizin ağzınız kirliyse temiz su sizin ağzınızda kirlenmiş olur. Bu sebeple Tanrıdan kimse için kötülük dilenmez. Beddua edilmez. Lanet dilenmez. Bunu yapanları Tanrı mutlaka cezalandırır.


God is the spring of kindness, goodness and cleanness. From this clean spring, is it possible to drink dirty water? One can drink only clean water. But, if the mouths of the drinkers are dirty than the water gets dirty as well in their mouths. As such only goodness can be prayed from God. Badness cannot be prayed from Him. Badness for somebody else or curse cannot be wished from that pure Spring. Those who do this vile wish are punished by God.



God doesn't need evolution.

God creates by word(Breath). The lineer time as we percieve is for our physical brains. In so called spiritual world the time is always present. So, it is hardly impossible to understand while we are still in physical bodies what that really meant.

There are mirror modiὓcations for adapting to new conditions among some other creatures but human beings were created exactly as today's human beings almost eighty thousand years ago where there was a very fertile jungle then, at North Africa which is Sahara Desert now.



These are bad times...

Do not make interpretations on events. Do not make speculative comments.

Wait and see. Be patient . Stay calm and carry on with your jobs and be hard working.

Observe what God will do. What is to happen will happen anyhow.

Spare certain times of each day for God an open channel to Him. Withdraw energy from Him. That is important. Otherwise your souls are broken and disintegrated.

The third world war is near. Very near.



In the Kingdom of God there is no time or date. Duties were given at the exact point when they are to be done and they are done promptly. Nobody knows the times or the duties except God before they are given.

So, the particles of the Holy Spirit are always ready to take order and do it immediately as God's soldiers. No questioning, no prediction, no hesitation and no delays. That's why to the atomy particles of the Holy Spirit while living in earthly bodies as humans, it is too difficult to do duty in biological bodies. That’s why are not given or given very seldom.

Only those human beings who have gained the right to enter the Kingdom of God namely Eternal Life after death are the atomies of the Holy Spirit.



İnsanlar maddi şeylere tapanları lanetler ancak aynı insanlar manevi şeylere
tapan insanları iki defa lanetler.

Human beings curse those who worship material things but, same humans curse twice more those who worship God's truth.


(This words were said by Him when He was on Earth 2000 years ago.)


Nations repeating themselves without love and logic are bound to lose. Racism, patriotism, gender, colour, nationality or religion do not carry any superioty over others.

We, individuals must be able to stand for goodness even if all others go to other direction. We must never drive away those who approaches us openheartedly with Love. We must find a way to live in peace. First, we must learn not to disturb others. We must respect the right of others as well as animals and the nature. We must learn to think others as well as ourselves.



İstenmediğinizi hissetseniz bile siz sevgi neşretmeye devam edin. Dünyanın buna ihtiyacı var.

Başkalarının duygularını hisseden açık bir insansanız dikkat edin. Burun akması, ağırlık hatta esneme sizin enerji kaybettiğinizi, o ortamın yada kişilerin sizin enerjinizi tükettiğini gösterir. Fark edin ve kendinizi korumaya alın. Bu bir dua olabilir. Negatif konuları hemen değiştirmek yada oradan uzaklaşmak olabilir.




Keep calm and be pure hearted. Than you will have direct connection with God.

You will start getting your energy directly from Him, the Almighty. God is like an eternal ocean standing still and quite eternal and His Spirit is moving over that Ocean in which are there self radiant lights like the stars in the universe. You will be one of them. You will be a Holy Spirit. You will sparkle you own light. You will not be reflection anymore.



It was said, 

"The person old in days won't hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and that person will live.

For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one."

That meant:

[The seven day's old child was Yeshua and those who had believed in Him even at that stage that He was the expected Messiah had gained the eternal life.]



What we call as Holy Spirit is a name given by humans. The real meaning is pure souls, souls that have reached the pureness.

By becoming pure we are entitled to continue as sparklets of God's Spirit. God is Spirit and what we call as Holy Spirit is a part of this Spirit. God is an enormous energy unconceivable. A vast magnetic field pulling good and pushing bad.


Kutsal Ruh tabiri insanların verdiği bir isimdir. Esas olarak saflaşmış ruhlardır. Saflığa erenlerdir.

Saf ruhlar Tanrının Ruhuna bir zerre olarak katılıp Tanrı ile birlikte ışınsal sonsuzlukta yaşama hakkını kazanırlar. Bu ebedi yaşamdır. Kutsal Ruh dediğimiz bu saf ruhlar Tanrının Ruhunun bir parçasıdır.

Tanrı muazzam bir enerji, sonsuz bir manyetik alan gibidir. İyileri çeker ve kötüleri iter.




Ayartıcı, teşhirci giyim ve davranışlar dünyadaki insan trafiği denen köle ticaretini teşvik ediyor. Bilhassa zengin Arap, Alman, İngiliz ve Amerikalılar çocuk seks kölelerinin bir numaralı müşterisidir. İstatistikler öyle diyor. Bu acı durum ortadayken abartılı teşhiri/çıplaklığı hürriyet sanan düşüncesizlere yazıklar  olsun.


By promoting seduction, we will promote human trafficing. Especially rich arab,
german, english and american individuals are the number one customers of children sex slaves according to the statistics. Shame to those who still calls seductive nudity as freedom.


Don't ask "Who you are?" This reminds you of your Earthly identities so it is a question of egoistic instincts. Instead, ask "What you are?" which is a spiritual question and reminds you of God's Divine Power. That you are the part of. There is no identity at Heaven. There is no 'I' or 'you' but only Holy God's Divine Power. That is what you are to gain while on Earth. That is your Earthly struggle's target. Know that fact very well and be born again into eternal freedom in God's Power.




Think of your identity as a program loaded to a computer. If any kind of virus enters in it and it starts to malfunction, it will be erased from the computer. That is your soul. The awareness of yourselves.

We must gain the light which is Spirit. The truth.


18 Mayıs 2017 Perşembe



Ben Bir Yahudi olarak doğdum. Musevi eğitimi aldım. İyi bir eğitim aldım ve zekiydim. Hafızam çok kuvvetliydi. Şekil olsun, yazı olsun , söz olsun bir kerede öğrenir, unutmazdım. O zamanda değil yazmak okumayı bilen yoktu. Benim amacım yeni bir din kurmak değildi yani Hristiyanlığı ben kurmadım ve tasvip de etmiyorum. Yanlışlarla dolu. Ben Yahudileri biraz daha sevgiye yaklaştırmak istedim. Başka bir şey değil ama ben gittikten sonra neler oldu! Hristiyanlık diye bir din kuruldu ve beni de Tanrı yerine koydular. Bu durum beni çok rahatsız ediyor. Ben hiçbir zaman böyle bir şey söylemedim.

Şimdi sana söylediklerini o zamanda bana söylüyorlardı. Tanrı delisi diyorlardı. Evet, biz Tanrı delisiyiz. Tanrıyı o kadar uç noktalarda seviyoruz. Bunları yaz kardeşim. Bilsinler ve bu seferde senin kanalınla ilettiklerimin manalarını çarpıtmasınlar.

Yeşua Mesih.



I had been born as a Jew. I was educated according to the Jewish religion and tradition. I had a very good education. I had a good memory. I was clever. I used to remember everything I saw, read and told once. At that time leave alone writting there was nobody who can read. My goal was not to create a new religion. I mean I did not found Christianity. I do not approve of it either. There are full of wrong teachings in it. My sole purpose was to draw Jews to love and affection a bit. Nothing else. But look! After I left, the happenings are nothing to do with me. They created a new religion named Christianity with full of wrong sayings especialy about me. They called me God. I am very disturbed about this. I had never said that I was God.

They call you God's mad now same as they used to call me in my time. Yes, we love God madly. So much at the extreme points. Please write those words my brother so that they know. They know and not misuse my words I have told through you again. The words I have made you write, I hope, will not be twisted again.


16 Mayıs 2017 Salı


Never look at the images (symbols) carefully.

Have you ever thought about how much money is spent just creating images? In the media, the newspapers, the movies, on radio and television, images are spread all the time. Where do these images come from? Why are they there? Who designs them?

Images are a means of exerting power over people. Images can make people subservient and disconnected from their true needs, without the use of physical force or violence. Images can make people voluntarily give away their power and self-worth. They delude you in such a way that you need not be own.


Yeshua never suggested that swearing allegiance to him would admit someone to the Kingdom of God. This is what he said:

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: metanoia (μετάνοια), and believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:15 )

The word “metanoia” has been translated as “repent,” but that is a mistaken translation using a word that has grown far from the meaning of the word “metanoia.” The Greek μετάνοια is a combination of μετά (after, with) and the verb νοέω (to perceive, to think, the result of perceiving or observing). Metanoia means "a change of mind". It does not mean “repent” in the sense that I’ve done bad things and I have to confess that I’m an awful person. It means, “I must become a new creature by changing my thought patterns.” Yeshua was saying that those hearing his words must undergo a change of perspective, a transformation of the mind to an entirely new view of themselves, the world, and God. That will result in the kingdom of God. (Maurice Nicoll, The Mark. Vincent Stuart, London, 1954).


What happens to "a man who has committed no sin, but done good persistently, but has not found the mysteries?" 

The soul of the good man who has not found the mysteries will receive "a cup filled with thoughts and wisdom." This will allow the soul to remember its divine origin and so to pursue the "mysteries of the Light" until it finds them and is able to "inherit the Light forever." To "inherit the Light forever" is a Gnostic code for union with God.


“There are people who are freedom oriented and there are people who are control oriented, and the control oriented are afraid of freedom, and they are afraid of Mystery because they do not believe in the essential goodness of the human spirit. They have lost their faith in humanity and have placed all their faith in their ideology and their prescriptions that they believe have come from God. But God has only given recommendations through the great Teachers, not rules recommendations for living, guidelines for living to help people orient their lives correctly and productively and beneficially.”

“Freedom is looked upon fearfully by those who are not free. It is looked on with suspicion by those who are still a slave to their own mind, a slave to their fear, a slave to their cultural conditioning, a slave to their weakness.”

“When you become free of social conditioning, when you become free in the mental environment, when you become liberated from the shadows of your own past, you can demonstrate a spontaneity and an enthusiasm in life that are remarkably refreshing to others.”


The reason Yeshua's message is so important to humanity is that our purpose in life is to grow in spiritual understanding and maturity, becoming blissful, unafraid of the transition called death, full of love and compassion toward others, and receiving the same love from others toward us. Every hour of every day of our lives should be filled with the warmth of love and peace with others.

We should regard as evil anything that separates man from God, man from man, man from his inner self, and man from nature. The feeling of separation is an illusion that results in all of the conὔict and atrocities that we normally regard as "evil." A person bound up with feelings of separation wants everything for herself alone, with only limited regard for others. It results in conflict, hatred, violence, war, and holocausts. When people and humankind grow to realize our oneness with God, each other, nature, and our inner voice, all of those things we regard as evil will disappear. There will be no need for laws against them or measures to control them. They will not be considered as options for thinking, feeling, or acting.

Most religions are based in intransigent dogma of separation. They separate man from God by insisting on interceding, separate man from man by insisting that God loves one group of chosen people more than the others, separate man from nature by teaching that nature is man's property to be subjugated, and separate man from the inner voice of the Higher Power by teaching that the inner voice is demons and delusional.


Human beings became servants of their own bodies. Bodies are only covers. Nothing else. If you pollute them by bad feeding and bad thoughts your souls shall also be fouled. Eat less and move a lot. Also, human beings are using their bodies as a weapon against each other. These are wrong doings.

I am the path, illuminated path. If you stray from this path wickedness will catch you just like wild animals catching their prays. Follow me, the illumunated path and, this will take you to eternal life again.

I hope most of you will awake before death and be taken.

Do not be a warrior. Drop your shields. Leave your passion. Leave all your addictions, fear, nerviousness. Let love be your path and light be your comrade on this path. Fill your heart with love for God and do not allow anything to violate this love. Do not put anything before your love for God. Keep calm. Do not allow nerviousness control your mind and do not let fear and infidelity fill in your heart.

Turn your face to light and let the light illimunate your face. You are neither your emotions nor your mind. You are a being above them. Be aware of your reactions. Watch them as a third person and criticize. Put them down when they are short tempered. When your mind become like a clear water reὔecting all who looks at you and your emotions positive, full of love then you are eligible for becoming a part of the Holy Spirit.

The reason Yeshua's message is so important to humanity is that our purpose in life is to grow in spiritual understanding and maturity, becoming blissful,  unafraid of the transition called death, full of love and compassion toward others, and receiving the same love from others toward us. Every hour of every day of our lives should be filled with the warmth of love and peace with others.



All people have drunk the water of forgetfulness and exist in a state of ignorance. Some can overcome ignorance through the Spirit of Life that descends upon them. These souls "will be saved and will become perfect," that is, escape the round of rebirth.

John asks Yeshua what will happen to those who do not attain salvation. They are hurled down "into forgetfulness" and thrown into "prison", the Gnostic code word for new earthly body. The only way for these souls to escape, says Yeshua, is to emerge from forgetfulness and acquire knowledge. A soul in this situation can do so by finding a teacher or savior who has the strength to lead her home. "This soul needs to follow another soul in whom the Spirit of Life dwells, because she is saved through the Spirit. Then she will never be thrust into flesh again."

"Watch and pray that you may not be born in the flesh, but that you may leave the bitter bondage of this life."

"When you see your likeness, you are happy. But when you see your images that came into being before and that neither die nor become visible, how much you will bear!"


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