
16 Mayıs 2017 Salı


There is no such thing as luck...

Many people think that luck is something that is purely random, unpredictable and difficult to control. That is because they do not know what luck really is. When you can know the true definition of luck, you can learn the whole science behind this phenomena and gain control over it. Luck is another aspect of your reality and perhaps the most powerful and important one.

The more conscious and aware you become of the elements of your reality, the more of a conscious and powerful creator you will be.

Your luck is your psychokinetic resonance with the environment you are in. Like everything else, luck is an energy. It is something that is quantiὓable not in physical but in nonphysical ways. You can quantify it physically only in terms of its physical manifestations in your life. Luck is dependent on time, place and consciousness. When you are lucky, you are in mental and emotional resonance with your surroundings. When you are unlucky, it is the opposite. The level of resonance is the level of your luck.

Luck is also a feeling or emotion because emotion is energy in motion. When you are lucky, you are also feeling lucky. Your feeling is your vibration and therefore you are vibrating luck and feeing it. You feel and experience that everything is working for you when you are lucky. You feel that everything is working against you when you aren’t lucky. A state of vibrational harmony or disharmony with your environment is the whole explanation for this. You either feel that things are in a ὔow or things are disrupted.

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