
15 Mayıs 2017 Pazartesi


What was Yeshua's message to us?

Love, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, humbleness...

Before Him human beings were not acquinted with Love. World didn't know this word.

What are we doing under His name? 

Egoism, murder, fornication, hate, greed... Trying to erase His name from the World.

Will only repeating His name give us the eternal life? 

No. We must be Love and Light as He was.

Thank God with the new generations wars will decrease. Evil doings will decline. Consciousness has begun to rise. Many old death born souls has already started to taste the second death already in the spiritual realms. Reaping of the souls for life has long ago begun.

Wake up. The worlds will pass away but Yeshua's words will remain for ever.

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