
15 Mayıs 2017 Pazartesi


Man is the only organism on the Planet in which and through which the Source (God) can function in the world of form. No living "thing" has any being apart from or other than the Source, and that includes every "human organism" that has ever been born .The Source does not give being to any "thing" or to anyone apart from or other than Himself. Only the Source has being!

We are all the fragments of the same one whole energy. We all are united. To reach the peace of the world for ever, every living soul must remember this fact. Our bodies are meant to be temples of God and our souls are pieces of His active power, the Holy Spirit. Those who awakens to this truth and lives accordingly gain the eternal life in Light bodies. Those who hasn't awaken will carry on borning into flesh again and again until their last chances and if they cannot succeed their memories will be erased and their energies will merge with nature's unsentimental powers.

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