
19 Mayıs 2017 Cuma


Yeshua said, ''It is impossible for rich people to enter heaven.''

He said something about a camel getting through the eye of a needle, but it means the same thing. The point is that being rich makes it impossible to get to heaven. It will destroy humans, and it will destroy the rich spiritually.

Yeshua said, "The glories of this realm last only a moment; the glories of the heavenly realm abide forever."

One of the many reasons being rich makes it impossible is that you feel too good about your mind. You think you are smart and can make things happen; the illusion is too strong for rich people to see the truth. It is the same with intellectuals. They are too smart to know that they are ignorant of the things that really matter. If the rich, powerful people do not see the truth, we are all doomed. When you are winning the game, you do not see a reason to change the rules. If it is not broken, why fix it? This makes people very short-sighted. Seeing the truth would result in them giving up their financial wealth, their advantage, and while it is working, there is no way they are going to do that.

As Yeshua said, “That which is hidden from the wise and educated has been revealed unto babes.”

If the truth was not simple, children could not understand it, and Jesus says they can. He also says you have to be like a child to ὓnd heaven. If the truth were something only educated scholars could understand, he would be lying. Only the eggheads of the world would get into heaven. The opposite is true; it is the eggheads that will miss the truth the longest. Information is not wisdom.

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