
16 Mayıs 2017 Salı


There ıs no book on earth that ıs completely God's word. That ıs to say valıd for all situation and all time and undisputable. Certainly, every words written in the books accepted as Holy are not wrong. We have to pick the correct ones as well as understand them correctly. However, organized religions are based on politics which then turned out to be fanatism for the imbecilic biggots.

Without science, free logic and freedom to choose human beings cannot rise their consciousness level. However, without faith in God there can be no joy, love and peace and truth.

Different religions can look quite unlike one another. Some participants bow to colorful statues of deities, others listen to inspired sermons while dressed in their Sunday finery, and yet others set out their prayer rugs five times a day to bow their heads to the ground. Regardless of these different outer manifestations of worship, the kernel of religion is spirituality, and the essence of spirituality is God or the Supreme Being.

As one becomes more spiritual, animalistic aggressions of fighting and trying to control the beliefs of other people can be cast off like an old set of clothes that no longer fits. In fact, many seekers begin to feel that every image of divinity is just one more face of their own, eternally ever-present God.

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