
16 Mayıs 2017 Salı


What was Yeshua?

Hwas a spiritual man. The reflection of God's Love on Earth.

Most people are asleep and do not realize that there exists a higher spiritual reality; it is as though they see the lower illustration, take it at face value, and assume that there is nothing more. Through the faculty of intuition, however, it is possible for the higher Mind to discern the existence of a more inclusive reality. Yeshua, is both a symbol and an expression of this higher knowledge.

A spiritual man is a mystic at heart, and his mind mirrors the mind of Pure Being. Therefore, his mind and thought processes are enlightened. And, since this transformation comes from the source of all knowledge, it automatically opens the gates of Divine Wisdom for him. Such a man is devoid of personal feelings or opinions, unless it be the feeling of deep compassion for all living things.

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