
16 Mayıs 2017 Salı


The reason Yeshua's message is so important to humanity is that our purpose in life is to grow in spiritual understanding and maturity, becoming blissful, unafraid of the transition called death, full of love and compassion toward others, and receiving the same love from others toward us. Every hour of every day of our lives should be filled with the warmth of love and peace with others.

We should regard as evil anything that separates man from God, man from man, man from his inner self, and man from nature. The feeling of separation is an illusion that results in all of the conὔict and atrocities that we normally regard as "evil." A person bound up with feelings of separation wants everything for herself alone, with only limited regard for others. It results in conflict, hatred, violence, war, and holocausts. When people and humankind grow to realize our oneness with God, each other, nature, and our inner voice, all of those things we regard as evil will disappear. There will be no need for laws against them or measures to control them. They will not be considered as options for thinking, feeling, or acting.

Most religions are based in intransigent dogma of separation. They separate man from God by insisting on interceding, separate man from man by insisting that God loves one group of chosen people more than the others, separate man from nature by teaching that nature is man's property to be subjugated, and separate man from the inner voice of the Higher Power by teaching that the inner voice is demons and delusional.

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