
16 Mayıs 2017 Salı


“There are people who are freedom oriented and there are people who are control oriented, and the control oriented are afraid of freedom, and they are afraid of Mystery because they do not believe in the essential goodness of the human spirit. They have lost their faith in humanity and have placed all their faith in their ideology and their prescriptions that they believe have come from God. But God has only given recommendations through the great Teachers, not rules recommendations for living, guidelines for living to help people orient their lives correctly and productively and beneficially.”

“Freedom is looked upon fearfully by those who are not free. It is looked on with suspicion by those who are still a slave to their own mind, a slave to their fear, a slave to their cultural conditioning, a slave to their weakness.”

“When you become free of social conditioning, when you become free in the mental environment, when you become liberated from the shadows of your own past, you can demonstrate a spontaneity and an enthusiasm in life that are remarkably refreshing to others.”

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