
16 Mayıs 2017 Salı


And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.
We can limit lust to sexuality, but we may want to consider the larger area of sensuality. Sensuality is the craving for physical pleasures of all kinds. An inordinate desire to avoid pain, for physical and even emotional comfort, the best food and wine, the best looking car, can all be forms of lust. Lust denies our spiritual nature and promotes the lie that "this is all there is." We try to make a heaven on earth, but instead we create a hell. Other people become ways of satisfying our needs. They are merely objects to service us, bring us food, run our business, give us pleasure.

"The Creator himself established that in the (generative) function, spouses should experience pleasure and enjoyment of body and spirit. Therefore, the spouses do nothing evil in seeking this pleasure and enjoyment. They accept what the Creator has intended for them. At the same time, spouses should know how to keep themselves within the limits of just moderation." - Pius XII, Discourse, October 29,1951.

In marriage, enjoyment is not the problem. Lust enters into marriage when sex is not a mutual expression of love, but rather the use of one person by another (even if the "use" is mutual). This, of course, breeds resentment and eventual alienation, even if the couple do not separate.

Lust blinds us. In dating, Lust causes us to miss the warning signs in the relationship. We gloss over major obstacles to a good marriage because our physical desires are driving us. Lust is enslavement to the senses, to the animal part of man. Lust deadens our spiritual senses so we cannot hear God calling. If you are professing to be a honest and yet are fornicating or committing adultery (these mean sexual contact or pleasure, not just intercourse, outside of marriage), you are fooling yourself. Unrepented lust is a solid barrier to growth in faith, but it does not prevent growth in Pride.

Stay calm to be like crystal clear water then you become the reflector of Light. The Light passes through you without any hindrance. Also, if you cannot be calm, loaded with worldy lusts, you cannot hear the voice of the Divine. Stay calm whatever the outer disturbences are, so, you can think right and act right. Stay away the evil people so that your hearts stay clean. You are light, keep your torch high for everybody but, don't turn back to see who has seen it. Keep walking. The ones riped enough will see your light. Do not force anybody as you are love. Love never forces. Love heals. Be patient...

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