
12 Mart 2022 Cumartesi


QUESTION: What happened at Sodom and Gomora?

YESHUA: Sexual perversions where at such a high rate that people themselves had become germs. They had become a breeding ground for germs that carried all kinds of diseases, and germy things become calcified. God calcified the people of Sodom and Gomora.

QUESTION: What do you have to say about men who think they are women, and women who think they are men?

YESHUA: Those, who think and act as if they are from the opposite sex while embodied on Earth, are mentally ill. Do not befriend them. Approving them, sympathising with them or solemnising them is very wrong. It will take you to perishment together with them. Such sexual perversions mean the losing of one’s human feeling. In their foundation is a distorted sexual urge at the level of insanity. It is rebellion against fate.

QUESTION: What are the functions of sexual intercourse? Why does it exist exactly?

YESHUA: Solely for the purpose of mankind’s reproduction. There is no other reason. Look at the animals. They do it right. They come together at certain times of the year and mate to breed. Human beings have gone wrong with this. And that resulted in the forming of many sexual perversions. Too much of anything is wrong. And too much sex is repugnant. In the end, people will lose their mental stability and turn to their own gender. Every aimless behaviour is wrong. One does not wish well for such people.


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