
13 Mart 2022 Pazar


QUESTION: You must have been a person well-known by almost everyone with the things you had done two thousand years ago. It is not normal for the Romans not to know you despite this. Was your name taken out of the registers later on?

YESHUA: It was Easter time. I had gone to buy a ram. There was a great commotion there. Everyone, including the Romans, knew who I was. They said I was the man who miraculously healed with his hands. They knew it and that was why they wanted to kill me. Because I was a threat to their dictatorship. Their reign was built on fear and servitude. Whereas I was talking about love and brotherhood, and I could have been successful with the healing power I had and with my eye-opening speeches. I was about to illuminate the darkness. I was revealing the realities. People had already begun seeing me as king. Actually I had declined this, saying, “My kingdom is not of this world”. But I was still a threat for the tyrants. The hearts of the tyrants were full of hate.

I was arrested and I was subjected to insults and curses. Under torture, I was accused of blasphemy against God. After these undue accusations, I was handed over to the Roman authorities. I was also savagely battered and whipped there, too. I lost so much blood that normally I should have died, but I did not die. They tried to humiliate me by putting a crown of thorns on my head. They made me carry the crucifix all along the way. They accepted me as someone even worse than ordinary murderers. What was the reason for this hatred? Which crime had I committed that was worse than ordinary murderers? No, there was no actual crime. All the accusations were slander. I had come as the love of God. I had wanted to show love and goodness to the people. I wanted to raise the consciouses of these people, where the majority was illiterate, and to enlighten them. But in this case, the thrones of the tyrants would be in jeopardy. I had to die. At the hilltop, I was tied to the crucifix from my wrists, but they also nailed me to the cross from my hands and feet because they wanted to increase the torture, the suffering. And more importantly, I had healed the people with those hands so they wanted to damage my hands. But God did not let me feel pain, nor did He let me die there. I watched all of this from outside my body. My death did not occur on Earth. They could not damage my hands either. The ability to heal was given to me by God. Who could have the power to take it away from me? No one, of course.

While on the crucifix, I asked God to forgive those who were doing this to me. The rabbis were laughing at me among themselves, saying, “We sacrificed him to Easter, too”.

I passed out on the cross and in the end, I was healed by God inside the cave-grave I was put in, and I walked out three days later. I was only visible to my apostles. I did not blend in with the people and after a while, I was taken to the skies with my body and I left my body there.

The reason why my name is not in Roman records is because of their shame.

May love be your path, and the light your companion. Let us meet in eternity. The verdict belongs to God. God bless you.


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