God is one. Truely, I say to you, in God there is neither male, nor female, and yet, both are One, in God is the two in One. He is She, and She is He and our God is perfect. Eternal, and One.
So adore God, above you, beneath you, on the right hand, on the left hand, before you, behind you, within you, and around you.
Truly, there is but One God, Who is All in All, and in Who all things do consist: the Source of all Life, and all Substance without beginning, and without end.
The things which are seen, and pass away, are the manifestations of the unseen which are Eternal. That form the visible things of Nature you may reach to the invisible things of the God. By that which is natural attain to that which is spiritual.
Truely, God created man in the divine image, male and female, and all nature is in the Image of God, therefore God is both male and female, not divided, but the two in One, Undivided and Eternal, by Whom, and in Whom, are all things, visible, and invisible.
God, Tanrı, Holy Spirit, Kutsal Ruh, Yeshua, İsa Mesih, Divine Justice, energy, eternal life, second birth, ahiret, faith, inanç, religion, din, dua, prayer, reincarnation, bedenleşme, ruh, soul, freedom, calmness, morality, second death, resurrection, purity, Messiah consciousness, intuation, farkındalık, bilinç, wisdom, understanding, spirituality, repentance, cennet, love, sevgi, unity, cosmos, light, joy, kindness, generosity, awareness, ruhsal mesajlar, maneviyat, divine spirit 2000
2 Mayıs 2017 Salı
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