
12 Mart 2022 Cumartesi


I was born a Jew. I received Judaic training. I was trained well and I was clever. I had a retentive memory. Whether it was a shape, a writing or a saying, I would learn it at once and never forget it. At the time, no one knew how to read, let alone how to write. My aim was not to create a new religion. So much happened after I left! A religion called Christianity was formed and they regarded me as a god, too. This situation bothers me very much. I never said such a thing. At the time, they were saying things about me that they are saying about you now. They used to say I was mad about God. Yes, we are mad about God. We love God at such extreme points. Write these down, my brother.  Let them know so they do not twist the things that I am relaying through your channelling now.

As Yeshua, my Earth mission two thousand years ago was my first embodiment in the material realms. I came to Earth to bring separation. I came to separate the people from their worldly desires, but they gravely misinterpreted my words, as if I had come to separate the people, the families. My words were construed to very wrong meanings and so they were conveyed. Give them from your essence, just as I had done at the time.

QUESTION: Did you not form Christianity?

YESHUA: I did not form Christianity, nor do I condone it. I did not like the Jewish religion either. I wanted to draw people more towards love and compassion but they did not want it. Even my apostles did not understand me completely. Even now, there are just a few people who can understand me fully. You are one of those that understand me fully, my brother. I am very bothered with the fact that people think that I was trying to form a new religion. I did not try to form a new religion two thousand years ago. You know, I was Jewish.  What I wanted to do was to correct the mistakes in the existing religion. Not to create a new movement. I also did not have any intention to thrust my name forward, to spread my name as did the one who came after me. In fact, I did not even want my name to be known. All I wanted was to turn the people’s faces towards God. Let them know this.


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