The more lit the room is, the better a man will realize that he needs to shave as he looks into the mirror. Therefore, the pure souls that serve as illuminators always face resistance. Because they serve as mirrors for other people.
God, Tanrı, Holy Spirit, Kutsal Ruh, Yeshua, İsa Mesih, Divine Justice, energy, eternal life, second birth, ahiret, faith, inanç, religion, din, dua, prayer, reincarnation, bedenleşme, ruh, soul, freedom, calmness, morality, second death, resurrection, purity, Messiah consciousness, intuation, farkındalık, bilinç, wisdom, understanding, spirituality, repentance, cennet, love, sevgi, unity, cosmos, light, joy, kindness, generosity, awareness, ruhsal mesajlar, maneviyat, divine spirit 2000
Gecenin sessizliğinde ruhların sesi duyulur ve sadece saf olan ruhlar bu sesleri duyar. Gece, ruhlar birleşip bir ve bütün olduğunda daha da...
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